My shark tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2005
Right now im planning to get all these fish into a 50 gallon long tank, but I plan to eventually upgrade to something bigger, or I might end up getting rid of the fish. That would be really sad tho.

Right now I have these fish in a 45 hex, waiting to be moved to the 50 gallon:

3 Irridecant Sharks
3 Plecos

In the 50 gallon I have:

3 Rainbow Sharks
3 Blue Channel Cats
2 Balla Sharks

The irridecant sharks have been very happy in the 45 gallon hex tank, they've gotten to be only about 2.5 inches in there though. I'm sure they cant wait to get in their new home.

So far everyone is getting along, I hope it stays that way.

Anyway, that was my introduction to the community, I hope that you guys can be helpful with my problems if I run into any, and I will try to help you.

Thank you - mattherat.

[Pics to come Later!]
i cant wait for the pics....and how much experience do you have with fish so we dont nag you to death that they will get to big already being that you know

WELCOME TO AA!! :smilecolros:
I have some experiance, not much, but my dad definately has plenty of experiance (he used to raise some cats and stuff he cought out of a lake) and he lends me some advice.

I know they'll get to big, my neighbor said she might take a few if I need to end up getting rid of them, but i really plan on getting me a bigger tank.

and thanks for the welcome :D
awesome! i can tell you really are thinking about these fish, and they will be as happy as they can and if not you have friends and family that can help you along the way!!! :D
welcome to AA matttherat.
a shark tank is a great idea. only suggestion i can give is to strengthen the bala shark shoal a little more. these guys are known to be skittish and would love to be in a bigger shoal.
but that said, and as you already know, all your fish barring the rainbow sharks have the potential to grow huge. so keep an eye on the bioload... :wink:
3 Pangasius (the iridescents) 8)

that's some real footage of fish :D

Do you know the exact species?


Pangasius gigas


Pangasius sanitwongsei


Pangasius djambal


Pangasius hypophthalmus

If you build a tank or pond to hold these (especially if you heat it) I'd love to see it as I plan on building a tank/pond to hold some giant catfish.

Definately increase the number of balas. I currently have a school of 6 (though they have divided along size grounds into two schools of 3 at the moment... :? ) and the behaviour of them all is fantastic

A big pond is definately the only thing suitable for these fish, unless you plan on upgrading to like a 5000 gallon tank.
The iridescents commonly sold in shops are Pangasius hypophthalmus.

So you have:

3 x Pangasius hypophthalmus = eventually 120 total inches
3 x plecos (I assume commons) = eventually 108 total inches
3 x Epalzeorhynchus frenatus = eventually 18" total inches
3 x Ictalurus punctatus = eventually 144 total inches
2 x Balantiocheilos melanopterus = eventually 24 total inches

Thats 414" (34½') of are going to need a much, much bigger tank. Blazeherd is really need a big pond or giant tank. As far as everyone getting along, it will not be long until your channel cats eat your rainbow sharks, and the iridescents will start bashing in their heads on the tank (or jumping to their deaths) once they hit about 10" may want to rethink your fish completely.
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