My Tanks Log.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 13, 2003
This is just periodic notes on my tanks. Helps when I look back to keep track of changes.

10G. The last of the two female guppies died a few days ago, last week. Body found decaying among the plants. She looked lonely for quite sometime. It could have been poor aeration or just plain aging. This tank has too many small inmates.

My 2G tank is doing excellent. The Hydro and Water weed plants have several leaves and are growing fast. Even the Java Fern seems to have grown due to the lighting.

However, there are two issues:
1. This planted tank has a lot of java moss below at the base. my Betta is pooping on this Java Moss more. Wonder if this will reduce the amount to nutrients available or affect my plants in any other way ?

2. This is happening only after I recently reduced the amount of soil from 3 to 1.5". My Betta has either dug or brushed on the gravel and moved it aside. So a part of the soil is exposed. He continued rubbing on the soil until it sometimes gently rises and spread on the gravel. This is not much and doesn't float. However, wish it didn't happen.

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