My very first fish won't eat

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 31, 2004
I finally added my first fish to my first saltwater tank, a newly cycled 55 gallon (72 pounds live rock and remora pro skimmer). The gold banded clownfish has been in there for a week and doesn't eat, so far as I can tell. I've tried Formula 2 flake food, the wet food that is mostly daphnia, frozen blood worms and frozen reef food. He aggressivley pursues the food, but spits it all out. One thing I noticed is a lack of pods since I put him in (they seemed abundant before). Could it be that's what he's eaten? All water parameters are good, and the fish looks healthy. Any advice?
Could it be that's what he's eaten?

Sure, its a natural food source. They may also be more hidden now that there is a preditor in the tank. Dont be alarmed as sometimes clowns dont eat right away after a change in surroundings. Continue to offer food in small amounts daily. Be careful that the uneaten food does not become a source of ammonia aswell.
Try smaller particle sizes too if he's a juvenile.
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