Mystery snail laying her clutch

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 22, 2012
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
I just saw one of my mystery snails at the top of the tank and when I went over to see what was going on, I got a huge surprise! She's in the middle of laying her clutch. I snapped a quick pic and then shut the lid again to let her do her business. I'm so excited LOL

I'm trying to attach the pic, but not sure if it's gonna work. I'm on the app, and just got an error message :/
Nice! congrats on your soon to be baby snails :D
It feels like I've been waiting forever, but I just realized I've only had them (between my 10yr old and myself, we have 4) for a month and a half. There had been a lot of snail loving going on in that time LOL


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Woke up to another clutch! I have no idea who laid this one though.

Question: I have 4 mystery snails. They're all golden. Will all the babies be golden too, or do they produce the other colours as well?
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