Mystery Snails and Egg Shells

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2013
Hey guys,
I was wondering if i put a boiled egg shell in my tank will it help to boost calcium levels in my tank for my mystery snail.
also would it hurt my fish? like would they try to eat it?
thanks for your help!!! :thanks:
I use egg shells all the time and they will not harm your fish or inverts. I do three things with the egg shells, first I place a handful of pieces in a small measuring cup and grind them with a blunt object, say a screwdiver handle. I basically reduce them to dust. I scatted the dust in the tanks, mine are arebottom, and you can literally watch the snails eat the dust. Secondly, I take larger pieces, the size of a pea, and put them on the outflow tube on the sponge filter. Last, I put some pieces the size stated above with some aquaium water and place them in a clear jar in the window. I give the jar two-three weeks to completely cover the shells with green algea. I then take the shell pieces and put them in the tanks for the snails, shrimp and crayfish. The go right to the algea shells.

One word of caution, make sure to get the membrane from inside the shell completely off. I typically squish it into small balls and the crayfish love it. Keep in mind I have barebottom tanks.
You do not have to remove the membrane inside the eggshell. You also do not have to crush it. Just crack an egg, rinse and drop in. The snails like the membrane and the fish too. You can also use antacid tablets like Tums. The fruit flavored ones are well liked. Human calcium supplements work too. The snails will eat it up. You can also feed them stuff like spinach that is high in calcium.
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