Mystery snails?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2013
Long Island, NY
I have a 29 gallon tank and was wondering if i should get a mystery snail? From what ive seen they look really cool and are hardy any input from you guys?
I have sand in my tank no problem ... My ph is under 8 so I'm adding a time to my tank once in a while... Just started it today to help their shells cuz they were getting thin I heard from others ou can add tums or cuttle bone... Clouds water for a short time though with the tums
I have sand in my tank no problem ... My ph is under 8 so I'm adding a time to my tank once in a while... Just started it today to help their shells cuz they were getting thin I heard from others ou can add tums or cuttle bone... Clouds water for a short time though with the tums

Id probably get some cuttlebone from petco and put it in there to keep the shells hard. But im excited now about putting them in once my tank is completed :) ill post pictures of them on this thread once that happens. Thanks for your input!
I have one in my 29 gallon and love it !!! I also have sand.
Id probably get some cuttlebone from petco and put it in there to keep the shells hard. But im excited now about putting them in once my tank is completed :) ill post pictures of them on this thread once that happens. Thanks for your input!
I had one but my pesky ramshorn infestation killed them.
I have one in my 29 gallon and love it !!! I also have sand.

You're the one who convinced me to get sand! I just bought black sand today and im doing the switch once the tank has cycled all the way. Ill keep you updated on that and the snails as well!
You're the one who convinced me to get sand! I just bought black sand today and im doing the switch once the tank has cycled all the way. Ill keep you updated on that and the snails as well!

Oh yes I remember! Haha. I know you will love it!
Far as I'm concerned, no tank is quite right without at least one mystery snail. I'm very fond of them, and have several, of several colours. I'm trying to breed them, since I can sell most any I can produce without any problem at all.

Feed them well, and you should enjoy them. I think they are like living jewels, with all the pretty colours they come in nowadays.
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