Name my Molly!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 14, 2011
Hi everyone! I'm new here!

We have a fairly new 55 gallon tank that currently houses a pair of Black Neon Tetras, a pair of Sunset Fire Platies, and a pair of Gold Dust Mollies.

We've named all but one of my Mollies and I'm having trouble thinking of a good name for him.

My 11 year old son has named the two Tetras: 'Solo' and 'Chewy' ( he's a Star Wars fan). My husband named the two Platies 'Freckles' and 'Speckles' because one has a lot of freckles and the other only has a few freckles. I named one of the Mollies "Spot" because he has a large black spot on his tail and the rest of him/her is solid orange. However, I can't think of a name for my other Molly!

The unnamed Molly is a boy (I think, because he is slimmer than the others) and he is a solid peachy-orange color. He has no distinctive markings/patterns such as spots or freckles. And... he is BY FAR the most social of all my fish. I've only had him for about 2 days but whenever I walk into the room he comes right to the glass and watches me closely. He will follow me from one end of the tank to the other. If I sit down next to the tank he will will come as close as he can and just sit there looking at me the entire time I am there. If I move, he moves. Tonight, he sat with me for nearly an hour!!! I absolutely adore this fish! He is just soooooo wonderfully interactive with me! None of the other fish in my tank seem to even notice when I'm around. Most of the time they ignore me completely. If I get too close to the tank they usually scatter. But not my unnamed Molly!

This fish is special! He deserves a great name... but sadly... for the last two days, I've just been calling him "hey little guy." :oops:


Thanks for any suggestions!
Wellll, I know he's not a clownfish, but how bout Nemo? He stands out from the crowd and goes his own way and he is orange. Whatever you choose, welcome to AA and good luck ")
These suggestions were great! Thanks!

But we ended up naming him Cheddar. After we had him for about a week, his coloring got a lot richer. He is almost solid orange now... the exact color of a block of cheddar cheese. LOL!
These suggestions were great! Thanks!

But we ended up naming him Cheddar. After we had him for about a week, his coloring got a lot richer. He is almost solid orange now... the exact color of a block of cheddar cheese. LOL!
That is a great name. Good choice.:)
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