nano skimmer reccomendations?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 14, 2006
Roswell, GA
I was waffling there for a few, trying to figure out whether to put this in the "equipment" section or the "nano" section, but since I am asking about equipment specifically for a nano.......

What kinds of skimmers do you guys use? Do you like it? Was it a worthwhile item to purchase? I'm thinking yes, just from noticing the difference between the color of my old water vs. new water when doing a PWC........
Well I don't have a skimmer on my 5g nano or even a filter for that matter, however when I do PWC I take water from my 72g (has a fuge on it) to do water changes. So I guess you could say that it is being filtered by the 72. Once a month I put about 1-1.5g of new SW into the nano.
Ziggy953 said:
Well I don't have a skimmer on my 5g nano or even a filter for that matter, however when I do PWC I take water from my 72g (has a fuge on it) to do water changes. So I guess you could say that it is being filtered by the 72. Once a month I put about 1-1.5g of new SW into the nano.

I'm doing 20% PWC's once a week in my 10 gal. But it's fresh Reef Crystals salt water that's been mixing and aerating for a while. So I got that goin' for me. Which is nice.
Even though they are a tad on the expensive side, a Remora skimmer was probably one of the best investments I ever made for my tank. They are AWESOME at removing gunk from the water. I used to use a venturi driven sucked, to say the least. Therefore, the Fission-Nano skimmers (which are venturi skimmers I think) aren't even worth their $20 from what most people say. It's like trying to skim by sticking a bunch or airstones in a tube.

Anyways, if you can swing the cost, the Remora Nano is defintley my reccomendation. :)
I like skimmers in anything over a 40g; otherwise, I don't bother and do not notice a considerable difference when proper husbandry is applied. IF I had to go with a skimmer, AquaC (Remora or Nano Remora) and AquaMedic Turbofloaters (HOB) are great for small to medium sized tanks.
I like skimmers in anything over a 40g; otherwise, I don't bother and do not notice a considerable difference when proper husbandry is applied.
I agree. While I always advocate for skimming, the water change schedule required to keep parameters top notch in small tanks is likely enough.
i agree. i had a nano reef and had no skimmer going, albeit i considered the prizm. i just could not justify the move in my mind due to the efficiency of my fluval 104 on removing debris and apparently the same dark colored slime that skimmers would collect. do the pwcs and i think it will be ok.
I don't skim on my 10 g, I do weekly 25% water changes. Although I do have a AquaClear 20 running in there with LR Rubble and Macro.
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