Nasty Oto Belly??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
Ok so I came downstairs this morning and my Moms oto was floating.... I blew on him and he darted off. Wierd.... Well then I saw him floating again. I tapped on the glass. Nothing. Ok he died. Get the net and as soon as I touch him he shoots off at 1000 miles an hour. Wierd.... He seems to stick to the glass but slowly float up. Then i noticed his belly. I had noticed he looked a little fat before but I got a look at his clearish underside and good grief it looks gross! It is swollen and under the actually stomach part there is a huge swollen dark spot. It looks like he needs to take a massive poo, lay a bagillion eggs, or his swim bladder is going to explode (I dont know much about their anatomy). Anyway we have had this guy almost if not a whole year. What on earth is going on?

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