need bottom feeder suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
Here's the deal I was going to stock zebra loaches however the substrate I want to use won't be very compatible with them. So iv decided to look for a different fish in place them.

Water conditions - 75fcr gallon planted tank, driftwood, 82 degree 6.5ph soft water. Black Eco complete substrate.

Fish - 10 Serpae tetras, 10 cardinal tetras, 8 German blue rams. This leaves me with about 21 inches worth of stock left. I don't really want to over crowd the tank.

What I'm looking for - a fish that will do well in my water, something that will clean well but jot to big to uproot my plants, not interested in a pleco, so no need to suggest that. MUST EAT ALGE

Let me know what you have in mind. Also nothing boring I want unique.
Having a school of six or more is just fine for cories.

Very good that will work just fine, that gives me some room for something if i ever decide to add more or just allow me to have a little easier load on my tank then fully stocking it.

Still looking for other ideas would really like some good colored fish
Up to you but an angel would look great in a tank like that maybe a tad overstocked but the extra water changed would be well worth it IMO
Agree to the cories!! I love them! How about 8 of them? Between the two.... Plus they'll be awesome! I <3 them:)
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