Need Craspedacusta sowerbii!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 22, 2017

I've been searching for these little guys for 2 years now. I've decided to ask for help. I've visited almost every pond and lake in Salt Lake County (where I live) over the summer and I haven't even seen one :confused: I know they're really hard to keep alive so I've made a custom nano for them. I don't want my searching to go to waste so if any of you know of a place close to Salt Lake I could find them this summer and/or you have them in your backyard pond please let me know. Thanks so much! :thanks:

Note: I've also heard that some plants are better than others for freshwater Hydra, any advice?
Those are nearly impossible to find on the west coast. I just checked the U.S.G.S. United States geological survey. They have a map where you can find them. They are extremely rare.
Thanks for the reply. I've also looked at recorded sightings in the west. Not very many and very spread out. However they are here, its just a matter of finding them at the right time and in the right place. If i'm unable to find them in the west I'll be driving long hours this summer to where I can. I'm just hoping that someone here finds them over the summer and is willing to send me some. Or someone knows of a location they're present this summer and lets me know.
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