Need equipment suggestions for my first Saltwater tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 2, 2003
Austin, TX
Ive been hanging around this forum for a while and have read all of the articles and all of the stories of newbes starting out. From my readings I feel comfortable that I know enough to make a sw tank work, along with the experience of having kept freshwater for 3 years. My questions for you guys and gals is related to equipment. Here is my planned setup.

-45 gal breeder tank 36x18x16 and stand

-100lbs playground sand for approx 3" sand bed

-20 gal tank for sump

-45lbs liverock to start w/ (keys rock maybe?)
-3 powerheads (need recomendations)
-300 watt heater

-skimmer (need recomendations)

-water will be purchased for $1 a gal at the lfs

-hang on overflow (need recomendations)

-return pump (need rec)

-test kits (need rec)

-for lighting i was thinking about the powercompact unit from custom sea life that is 2x96w with moon lighting (any reccomendations are welcome here also)

My goals for this tank are:

a) keep things alive as this is my first saltwater experience

b) Fish- I want to have a clown or 2 and maybe a dwarf angel

c) If things go well id like to have some soft corals as well as an anemone or 2 for the clowns.

d) keep thing as inexpensive as possible (relatively speaking)

Any help is greatly appreciated!

-water will be purchased for $1 a gal at the lfs

I'm kinda a newb to but I would say that putting anything in your tank from someone else is dangerous. Thats fine to start off. But I recommend Trying TO get used mixing it yourself. just get a 5 gallon bucket from wherever. and try out whatever method works. I find that a powerheadf in the bucket with a hose attached towards the Tank is a lazy mans dream.
Just sharing info i'm bored :mrgreen:

test kits (need rec)
Im Personally Like dry tabs but People here Seem to recommend Salifert 1st and red sea second. I saw a post somewhere/

DELA :morning:
If you are paying $1 a gallon, you're wasting your cash. The grocery stores sell it at around $0.30 a gallon if your local water is that bad.

Test kit: Hagen Master Test Kit ($40)

Return Pump: Probably a Mag Drive 7.

Heater: Go 2 150W instead of 1 300W. I recommend Ebo Jagers at $15 each

powerheads: Maxi-Jet 1200s at $20 each

Just some suggestions.
Did you mean RO water clownin'? I wouldn't recommend the test strips or anything like that.. if not using machinery to test parameters, then I would go with the liquid based stuff that you use a droplet with.
ah I see... trying to avoid cycling I take it? I am currently cycling my tank.. have about 2 more weeks to go.. luckily I still have to put the lights in and THEN the live rock can go in :p
Skimmer = AquaC Remora I have this skimmer on my 45gal tall and like every bit of it.

Overflow box = Any U tube overflow that does not have the brand name CPR on it. I say the part about CPR because they are not technicly U tube overflows but more of a C shell overflow. I like the U tubes because they will auto start back up when power goes out and they dont need any extra pumps to keep running. Hara got some good ones off ebay or you can look in your LFS. They are composed of two box's one with fingers in the top and the other with the drains and they connect wth a bolt or two and the water gets up and over the tank by the aid of a clear platic tube in the shape of a "U".
clownin' said:
d) keep thing as inexpensive as possible (relatively speaking)

That's hard to do. I've spent well over 300 bucks on just 7 fish and I dont even want to imagine how much I've spent with everything together... But I really think its all worth it. I love my tank and can sit for hours watching it.. No regrets!
The lights you describe in the first post should be fine for a 45 gal tank.

One item to not skimp $ on is the heater. An extra $10 spent on a good heater can easily save the entire tank.
I ordered a 4x65 PC Custom Sealife Moon-Lite fixture which should be here whenever gets their head surgically removed from the dark place.
I ordered a 4x65 PC Custom Sealife Moon-Lite fixture which should be here whenever gets their head surgically removed from the dark place.

After it took them 3 weeks for them to ship my wave maker, I made a promise to myself that I would not order from them again. Their prices may be cheaper but it appears to be because they have a monkey working for them in their shipping department who only wants to be paid in bananas.
Their prices may be cheaper but it appears to be because they have a monkey working for them in their shipping department who only wants to be paid in bananas.

It appears they are out of bananas. I'm at 3 weeks today with no tracking number yet.
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