Need Filtration Advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 19, 2005
Well since the majority of my equip. is HOB I've been thinking about running new filtration to my 210 gallon. I haven't had any problems w/ my emperor filters but they cause an awful amount of salt creep if I don't keep the water level w/ the edge of the filter.

I've been thinking about diff. ways to run a new filter system. First idea was running a cannister filter underneath the stand. I need some good reccomendations for descent cannister filters. The one i'm currently looking at is eheim & cascade.

The other type of filtration I was thinking about doing was running a refugium type sump under the tank.

The only chemical level that I can pick up in my tank towards the end of the week is a very slight reading of amonia, around 0-.25 but the water change takes care of that. So b/c of that i'm leaning towards the refugium sump.

Any ideas on this matter would be fantastic.

thanks a lot
Go with the Sump/Refugium. That's too big of a tank to deal with other types. It would have a much larger capacity and the benefit of the refugium is ideal. It'd be easier to maintain too (a definite plus in this hobby :)

How large of a refugium you think would work? 40 or 50 gal.

There was another user on these forums that did a 30 gal. fuge w/ a 30 gal. main display. I really liked the look of his fuge.

And one more question w/ the fuge idea. If I go this route do I need the media stuff or the floss pad? I have a good skimmer that pulls a lot of junk out now. I just need the macro algae to pull the nitrates and amonia out.

The tank set up I was referring to was actually on another site. Marine/64919.html?200510202340

I like that set up b/c A: I could get rid of the 2 HOB filters
B:Move the visible heaters down to the fuge
C: Move my skimmer down below as well(Not sure if entire skimmer has to be in sump or what)

Thats the set up I really like just wondering how he got those dividers like that.
I'm not certain of the minimum ratio for sump size to amount of water the tank holds, but any filtration you want nothing less than three times the amount the tank holds to be filtered per hour. Five times the amount is preferred. This is your GPH. 30 gallon is decent but would do poorly if the pumps were too weak or too strong. Larger is always better and always good if the pump comes with the sump if you don't know the math.

To fill a sump refugium you would use reef mud and macro algae. To filter debris, you'd use a sponge type pad. Use live rock as your bio media. This could be done in a three chamber sump. Four chamber if you add the skimmer...or if you go without chambers, make sure everything is easily separable for maintenance and use a sump sock for filtering debris instead of pads.

Direction of filtration should go as follows...

pad or sock

Note: Running carbon is not a necessity 24/7 with this type of filtering. I've been advised on using reef grade carbon for a week once a month is good. I've heard reason being that carbon can rob the water of trace elements.
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