Need help choosing tropical fish.........

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 8, 2006
i have a 10 gal. tank ....with 3 neon tetras, 2 sunburst platy's, 1 otto......should i keep like that or can i put more in there?? if so what are some fish that would look good in here??(also thinking of buying 3 more neons)
Otos do better in groups - you're pushing being overstocked if you add anything, but if you do add something, I'd make it a couple more otos.
hmm tough one here. You are already pretty stocked but you have 3 types of fish that are all better in groups. While neons don't school as much as other fish, they should still be kept in groups of 5+. Otos do best in groups of 3 or more. Platies should be kept with at least 2 females per male, however you can also opt to have only females or only males which is probably a good idea since 1+1 = 1000. If this is the case it is ok to have 2.

My honest reccomendation would be to try and sell back one of the types of fish you have and stick with the other 2 adding just enough to keep them happy. Right now I have a fully stocked tank with 3 otos and 3 swordtails (same as platies) and they are very happy.
EdgarMedina1010 said:
bad experiences with cories........

Really what kind of cories and what type of bad experience? That's very unusual as most of them are extremely hardy and delightful. I have heard some people have trouble with the tiny panda cories but other than that most people have great experiences with them.
IMHO you have plenty of room to add three more tetras and two more platies or swords. Not much bioload there and plenty of swimming room.
yeah all my fish are males......and i think i might add another sunburst platty....and just more neons.......the ottos algae eaters and i dont have that much algae sources...
DepotFish said:
IMHO you have plenty of room to add three more tetras and two more platies or swords. Not much bioload there and plenty of swimming room.

3 Platies are ~10.5" (adult size)
6 Tetras are ~9" (adult size)
1 Oto is ~1" (adult size)

20.5" total

10 gallon tank capacity is ~15" max. (1 in. fish per 12 sq. in of surface area) I don't think he has as much room as you think he does.
actually 3 platies are 6" (adult) they only grow up to 2" females are bigger... 6 neon tetras are 9" and the otto is 1" it adds to 16" .........
Platies can get as big as 4 inches. Although I've never seen a 4" I've personally seen many at 3", I wouldn't count any less that 3.
I'll agree with Alshain.

Add .....if anything.....two ottos to help the school.Neons are low biolaod/fish but they still are fish and will contribute.
They will get to 1.5 inches.

The platies may not get to four or even three,but you can bet they want too...a little bigger then what you think is where they would like to be...

On a side note,it's a small tank and being so you need to work on keeping the biolad low imo.With small water volume changes in conditions happen fast and it hardly ever changes fast in a good way.(read this last nugget twice,I had to and I wrote it lol.)

just my opinion as always
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