Need help identifying a problem

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black udder

Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 22, 2005
Richmond, VA
I've attached a pic of my sword. Most of the leaves on this one are the same. I don't have the same problem with a smaller similar plant.

I'm also losing all the leaves from my Anachris.

I have 3 plecos in the tank & 2 golden algea eaters.

My known possible reasons are:

1) Plecos/Goldens are eating them
2) Not enough light
3) Not enough CO2
4) Combo of 2 & 3
5) Lacking some mineral

I also have 2 HOB filters and a bubble strip (yeah, buh bye CO2).

I'm hoping somebody has seen this before and can tell me what the problem is so I can try to resolve.

I don't want to get rid of the plecos or drop a chunk of change on new filters or CO2 if it's not the problem.

All help is appreciated!
It looks like your plecos or algae eaters are rasping the leaves. Maybe there is not enough algae in the tank for all those algae eaters? Do you supplement their diets with vegies or wafers? Lack of potassium or light might also make them more susceptible to damage. What kind of lighting do you have and what fertilizers do you use?
I'm using seachem flourish tabs for fertilizer. I have 40w light (two 202 bulbs I believe). I give the plecos zuchini every 2-3 days, but they will demolish a 7 inch piece in 8-10 hours, so I'm afraid of overfeeding them. I have no idea how much they should get - with three of them (7, 6 & 4") they put away quite a bit. I've never had a problem with them before. I also give them wafers or pellets on days I don't have a veggie in the tank.
Judging by the damage, I would have to say it's the fish aswell, the damage is closer to the stalk, rather then on the outer edges where nourishment or minerals would be the first to show.. (The stem being sturdy enough to hold the leaf still while they rasp at it, the outer edges move out of the way..)

My thoughts anyway..
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