need help in setting up a planted tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 2, 2004
des moines, ioway
we just dissaembled our small 10 gal salt tank in the bedroom..and want to turn it into a freshwater tank with plants ....what to do? we have a nice bright light..i think its a 50/50 coralife light.. not for sure what kind of lighting plants need and all that..and i read something about co2...just curious about this type of aquarium..thanx for reading.
How many watts is the light you have? I read somewhere else on this site that the actinic portion shouldn't be counted because that portion of the spectrum can't be used by plants. If your broad spectrum wattage is about 25 watts or more you are going to need some kind of CO2 injection like a DIY yeast system. Less than that you can could probably get by without CO2 depending on what plants you get.
I have had good luck with Triton bulbs as well as Sylvania Daylight fluorescents--the latter are MUCH cheaper and available at lighting stores. Be careful with CO2 as it can cause your pH to crash----especially in such a small tank.
Yep, the blue half of a 50/50 bulb is 99% useless for plant growth, and thus can't be counted towards the total wattage.
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