need help to get rid of staghorn algae

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 28, 2013
I've been getting massive amounts of staghorn algae in my tank and I need some advice as to how I should go about getting rid of it for good.
staghorn algae comes from ammonia spikes . clean your filters , water change and dose excel
Can we get a full tank rundown? It's not really practical to diagnose a problem without knowing critical things like light, photoperiod, ferts, CO2, etc.

Also, can we get a picture of this algae? Many types of thread algae are often misidentified as staghorn.
OK I have a top fin 15 gallon aquarium. With mostly java fern but also a little bit of cardinal plant. I am dosing api brand leaf zone and. Co2 booster (although I have been lazy about it recently which is probably the reason I have as much as I do) as recommended by the bottles. And the lights run from 8 am to 9pm I had flourite substrate at the time of the post but I recently got rid of most of it to switch to sand. As for the staghorn at the moment, I cleared most of it off but the remaining strands have turned a reddish orange color. I will post a picture of the tank now and I will post another if it ever comes back...


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