NEED help with 46 Gallon Stocking!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2012
:fish1:Im looking to sell everything in my planted tank and redo it.
Its a Marineland 46 Gallon Euro, Im looking to do a Tang tank this is my stock:
6-7 Tropheus moorii Moliro or Tropheus Moorii Lufubu (1-1.5")
6 Lamprologus Similis
2 Neolamprologus brichardi
2 Altolamprologus compressiceps

I was thinking about Julidochromis Marlieri or Neolamprologus tretocephalus instead but I dont know..
Filter: 2x...Aquaclear 50
Heater: Aqueon 200watt
Powerhead: Aqueon 500gph
Light: 10,000k/Actinic
Please let me know!
:fish1:Im looking to sell everything in my planted tank and redo it.
Its a Marineland 46 Gallon Euro, Im looking to do a Tang tank this is my stock:
6-7 Tropheus moorii Moliro or Tropheus Moorii Lufubu (1-1.5")
6 Lamprologus Similis
2 Neolamprologus brichardi
2 Altolamprologus compressiceps

I was thinking about Julidochromis Marlieri or Neolamprologus tretocephalus instead but I dont know..
Filter: 2x...Aquaclear 50
Heater: Aqueon 200watt
Powerhead: Aqueon 500gph
Light: 10,000k/Actinic
Please let me know!

Imo that's way to many fish even for a rift lake stock for that tank size.
What would be a better stock, the local Petsmart sells Troheus $6.99-$11.99 so I really wanna grow them out and move then to a 75Gallon later on but I also already have to shellies in a 10 Gallon i need to move
Hafta agree with Andrew, especially after I looked up the footprint of said tank, which seems to be 36" long by 14"-16" wide. IME, Tanganyikans don't do crowding as well as Malawi cichlids, with the exception of Tropheus sp.

Skip the tropheus. For one thing I've seen the tropheus at Petsmart and even though the price is attractive, the strains aren't kept strictly separated in the sales tanks. Unless yer experienced enuff that ya can ID different strains as juvies, ya really aren't sure what yer gonna be gettin'. For two, the larger the group of tropheus ya have, the better off yer fish will be. For three, unless ya already have the 75, yer countin' yer chickens before they hatch. If ya already have the 75, then put the tropheus in it and get a colony of 16 or so of one strain from a reputable source. Cross-bred strains aren't nearly attractive as the natural strains, even if they aren't true hybrids since they are regional color morphs of the same species (for now).

I'd skip the brichardi as they'll dominate the tank if ya end up gettin' a pair and start buildin' a colony. A pair can become a colony quickly and can dominate even a large tank once the population starts building.

Finally, the compressiceps are an enigma. Depending on who ya ask, the max size ranges from 4" to 6", and nobody is exaggerating or lying. I've had compressiceps that maxed out at both sizes. I don't have any data to back it up, but I suspect a lot of it is determined by the original collection point and natural variation in the species. I'd avoid the compressiceps simply 'cuz ya don't know where it came from and the potential size of the fish.

Since ya already have the shellies, build yer stock around that. There are a lotta possibilities. I'd suggest lookin' at the shellies, plus two pairs of different species choosing from the smaller Neolamprologus, Julidochromis, and Telmatochromis species. Put rock "reefs" in each back corner to allow the pairs to develop a territory. A small school of barbs or rainbows could be added to round the stock out and add movement in the upper water column.

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