Need help with canister

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 14, 2009
I set up a Penn-Plax Cascade Canister1200 it is working but then it just shoots out a spray of water as if it has been cloged. i have tried different things but it still does the same thing. it looks like there is snow in my tank. anyone have any idea?

from reading other post i see that it is spewing microbubbles into the tank
You need to prime the canister. Im not sure how to go about this with that particular brand, it should tell you how to in the instruction book. A general rule I do use, however, is to make sure I have put as much water in the cannister part as I can without it overlflowing when I put the lid on, this helps me to get mine primed by removing most of the air space in the cannister.
shake it gently... i sometimes have to lean my canisters a bit so that the air will "float" up to the highest part of the canister where the intake is... generally gets it all out real easy.. if you have done that, you may want to loook for a leak in the intake line or seal on the canister. it may be sucking air
I searched on the internet a bit for information, here is about all I could find that was worth anything :

Setting up was straight forward with the included directions and we had it ready to go in about 20 minutes. Once you have it hooked up, but before you plug it in, you need to prime the canister by pushing the primer button a few times. Water will flow from the aquarium into the canister. Once it sounded like the canister had filled with water (took about 30 seconds) we plugged it in. At first there were some noticeable air noises coming from the filter but they quickly subsided once all of the air was pushed out of the filter. After a minute or so we could barely hear anything coming from the filter. It is extremely quiet.

That came from here
Another thing you could try if all else fails if you are not too squeemish is hook everything up but don't plug in the canister, and then gently suck on the output tube. After a little bit you will create a siphon from the intake tube into the canister filter, fill the filter, and water will start being sucked up the output tube. Plug in the filter and it should be running no problem. Oh make sure you put the output back into the tank before you plug in the filter or else be prepared to get wet! :)
One other thing, is both your intake and output tubes underwater? If not this can cause priming probs.
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