Need help with identification

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Reef Dr.

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 15, 2004
RTP, North Carolina
A friend of mine sent me these pictures. Apparently, this specimen was a welcomed surprise which has grown put of his live rock over the past year and is now the focal piece in his tank.

Any ideas on identification?
My initial thought was a long tentacle/polyp sarcophytons , however, he claims that the entire species is more fluid/soft like an anemone collapsing into a tube structure at night. This description obviously would not be consistent with a sarcophyton. Upon further review, I never really saw a sarcophyton with such dense, long, thin and fluid tentacles. Thus, I posted the pictures here for other experts such as yourself to provide input.

Thanks for your input Kevin. Perhaps my initial thoughts were right and I should not doubt myself on the identification.

Anyone else have any thoughts?
Also would say toadstool leather from the bottom but the top looks like a galixina or however its spelt...Its interesting though.
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