Need help with mean oscar! PLEASE HELP!!

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I have another question. Does anyone have any suggestions as far as pellet food? My big guy eats about 30 goldfish a week (which is usually all in one day) the other days I'll drop a few pellets of HBH OSCAR SHOW Health and Color Formula food that he loves. I just got some Tetra Cichlid Jumbo Sticks he seems to like them but the are really messy. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions as far as pellet food. I have also started getting him a pinky rat which is a baby rat, he LOVES that too.

Goldfish are a really bad choice as feeders. They are fatty and not very nutritious. Feeding oscars on a diet of predominately goldfish is a leading cause of HITH which is usually fatal. Pinkies are not needed and the only reason to feed them your fish would be for YOUR enjoyment. I personally find it distasteful. I would stick with the HBH for now and look for other foods for large cichlids. Just about all major food manufacturers offer a selection that will be easier to feed and better for your fish.
You really do have something against the pinkys dont you 0_o.. they are offered at the store for a reason... and they do have a lot of nutrition to them that would be a good supplement to goldfish.
You really do have something against the pinkys dont you 0_o.. they are offered at the store for a reason... and they do have a lot of nutrition to them that would be a good supplement to goldfish.

I have nothing against pinkies, I just don't believe they need to be fed to fish. If you feed something better than goldfish, there will be no need to supplement. Does that store you purchase them at carry snakes by chance? Pinkies are a great choice for snakes that refuse dead frozen.
actually the one im thinking of in peticular doesnt carry snakes... all snakes were banned from this county in peticular... they cant even sell a baby corn snake lol. they sale rabbits.. dogs.. cats.. hampsters.. birds and fresh/salt fish
I have found Hikari is a very good brand. These pellets along with others like them are designed to give optimal nutrition without supliment.

Feeders of any kind especially goldfish are really not recomended. They are the breeding grounds for disease and as mentioned above not particularly nutricious. At the store I'm at if there is ever a problem with ich or dieing fish its 90% in the feeder tanks. Pinkies are not necesary or recomended either, but IMO a better option than store bought feeder fish.

If you are set on life fish/food in general, your best bet would be to raise your own. Guppies are extremely easy to breed (keep them alive and they will) You get a basic 10g setup and suppliment your fish's diet as your fish continue to breed.

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