need help with water quality

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 8, 2005
i have had my tank for about a month now and in the beginning i added 3 pieces of driftwood. i soaked them for a day before putting them in and even after that my water has turned yellow. i just changed 50% of my water and although less yellow it is still yellow. anybody have any ideas about how to solve my problem?
It's tannins being released from the wood. How long did you let the wood soak before adding it to the tank? Did you boil the wood? Carbon is supposed to help, but doesn't in all situation.
well i do have carbon in my filter and i let it soak for a day like the fish store told me to
Time....the yellow will disappear in time...with regular 30% water changes every 5 days, you will remove tannins from the water, and in a few weeks, you will no longer notice tham at all.
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