Aquarium Advice Apprentice
What should I do? I have my bb goby in a 10 gallon fw with a pleco (yes, I know he will get too large for that tank), some white clouds, and some rasbora. The tank has a heater set to 79 degrees and an HOB filter. My friend offered to give me her 50 gallon with all the fixins for free. I want to put my pleco in there, so I can keep him. However, I do not know what to do with all my other fish. I was told that the pleco would eat them when he got large enough. I had thought to keep them in the 10 gallon and keep it a freshwater tank but if the bumblebee goby is brackish maybe I should make the 10 gal a brackish tank and put the other fish with the pleco. Or should I just take back all the small fish? Or just the goby? Will my pleco not eat the other fish? Help! Thanks.