need some ideas - looking for small school for 30 gall tall

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 27, 2005
I currently have

1 centerpiece angel
4 yo-yo loaches
1 swordtail

right now the tank looks a little empty. No movement at the top/middle.

I was thinking of a school of 6 tetras - but I am worried the angel might eat them. Are there any tetras that are compatible and make a good combo with angels?

my other choice was to get 3 mollies.
i've never had a problem with my black angel picking on any other fish at all in my 29g. I have quite a variety of fish as well. You could go with tetras. You may want to look at cherry barbs though if you are looking for a schooling fish. They are gorgeous. I have 6 of them in my 29g tank. Its fun to watch the bright red barbs zip and zap in between the greenery of my plants.
Serpae tetra could fill out the middle region, and their orange-red would provide a nice contraxt with the black angel.
I just have a quick question.

Rummynose Tetras, Serpae tetra, Harlequin Rasboras.....
These won't get eaten by my adult angel?
Cherry barbs have the physical characteristics of barbs. However, they are so incredibly mild-mannered that is incredible. I have never seen my barbs nip at each other or any of the other fish in the tank.

Regarding the tetras getting eaten. Tetras can zip and zap much quicker than your angel will be able to. If you are worried you can add more plants/decor to break up their line of sight.

Rummynose tetras require EXTREMELY clean water.
I second the Cherry barb recommendation. They are lively and personable little fish, and while they enjoy chasing each other, mine have left everyone else alone.

If you can find any, take a look at Rosey tetras. Mine have aged beautifully, and their displays are really quite nice. I haven't found any pictures online that come close to doing them justice.
src said:
I second the Cherry barb recommendation. They are lively and personable little fish, and while they enjoy chasing each other, mine have left everyone else alone.

If you can find any, take a look at Rosey tetras. Mine have aged beautifully, and their displays are really quite nice. I haven't found any pictures online that come close to doing them justice.

Yours actually chase each other? Mine are so laid back its almost pathetic. yet they are still very personable and fun to watch. I have 3 males and 3 females in my 29g community.
hulkamaniac said:
You could add another angel. .

I thought about this - but I might risk getting another male.
They will fight :(
If someone can tell me how to check if its female, I will buy another angel.
males basically has a slightly wider body than the females. ..they have a sort of more muscular body. ..whilst the females would have a sharper head, more elegant than the males. ..i dont know about any other differences though .. .

if ur gonna have a couple of angels, i dont think u can put any other tetras in, since as the others say, in their breedeing season the'll be getting more aggressive, and wouldn't hesitate to attack these smaller fish
bra_van_drakh said:
males basically has a slightly wider body than the females. ..they have a sort of more muscular body. ..whilst the females would have a sharper head, more elegant than the males. ..i dont know about any other differences though .. .

if ur gonna have a couple of angels, i dont think u can put any other tetras in, since as the others say, in their breedeing season the'll be getting more aggressive, and wouldn't hesitate to attack these smaller fish

I had a spawning pair in my 29g(which may have been to small for them) and they would guard their spawning spot(my powerhead of all things) but not attack anyone.
I got a school of 10 rummynose tetras in my 75 gallon with my 3 angels (1 black veil, 1 marble veil, 1 altum) and the angels have never gone after any of the tetras. Even when one of the tetras gets left behind in a corner of the tank the angels leave them alone completely.
black hills tj said:
src said:
I second the Cherry barb recommendation. They are lively and personable little fish, and while they enjoy chasing each other, mine have left everyone else alone.

Yours actually chase each other? Mine are so laid back its almost pathetic. yet they are still very personable and fun to watch. I have 3 males and 3 females in my 29g community.

It's not aggressive chasing, just playful - they never nip. Think 19 year old male in a pick-up bar. Every girl is a potential target, and all the guys are competition to be warned off. I think it helps that I have a couple more females than males, and they are happy enough to have spawned twice that I know of (I only know when I see some juvies swimming around).
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