Needle Nosed Fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 19, 2003
I saw some the other day and I can't find much information about them. (Maybe that's not their proper name.) They were about 6 inches long and the guy said they would grow to their tank size, but I don't trust that! I'm wondering how big a tank they would need? And any other relevant stuff about them!

The only picture I've found that I think is them is in the bottom corner here:

I don't *think* they were needle fish like I saw here:

It seemed to me like their mouthes didn't run the whole lenght of their nose like that.
Hi Murdayde,

Is this the fish?
Needle Nose Gar

This site says;
In the wild these fish can grow to be 4 1/2 ft. long and the females of the species can live to be 20 to 22 yrs old. In captivity, who knows. We suppose that as with any other captive breed of fish, they will grow to whatever size their environment allows.
If these are the ones you are talking about, there is lots of info on the web. Try a GOOGLE search on needle nose gar.

I hope this helps.
Hmm they look kind of like that! Man I sure don't have an aquarium big enough for them!
The needlenose gar they sell at petsmart are found in asia and have whiteish translucent scales. They are the smallest of all gars, only reaching 12"
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