Neon Tetra Fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2014
Hello all,

I'm new to the aquarium life- one month in with a new freshwater tank. Two days ago I found four fry that seem to be tetras (they have an iridescent blue color when I looked very carefully). I bought a breeding box to keep them in and Hikari First Bites based on a pet shop owner's recommendation. Is there anything else I should be doing to make sure they stay alive? Thanks!!


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That's the fry food I use. I am suspicious that they are tetra fry because they are extremely hard to breed. Do you have any other fish in the tank? They are also quite big for tetra fry if I have the size correct.
I have guppies (all male), mollies (seem to be all females) a pleco and a bala shark. I suppose they could be molly fry but none of them seemed swollen or pregnant.
I've had molly/guppy crosses before, you never know. They do look a little big, and +1 to neons being very hard to breed.
Dalmatian, black, and gold mollies, and fancy guppies.
I have had a fancy guppy give birth without me knowing, and found fry in the tank. My guess is one of your mollies did the same thing to you
Thank you for all of your help...can't wait to see what they look like!
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