New 29g stocking

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 23, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Hey all,

I have a general question regarding the stocking of a 29g tropical community tank. This tank used to be my goldfish tank but they both recently passed. I will be returning home from college tomorrow and plan to turn it into a tropical community tank.

I currently have a 10g tropical with 1 Dwarf Gourami, 6 Neon Tetras, 3 Ghost shrimp, and 1 snail that will be going into the 29. There is also another snail already in the 29. In addition to these fish what else can I put in. This is going to be my first venture into a decent sized Tropical tank so any recommendations are appreciated.

Currently the tank is running an AquaClear 70 HOB filter. I have fake plants in there now and will probably keep it that way at least for now, maybe try out a planted tank in the future (next few months) but for now I just want to get the tank set up and stable with fish.

A group of smaller loaches or cories might be nice addition once you upgrade.
Cories and Loaches require a finer substrate since they are bottom dwellers correct? I'm thinking of switching to eco-complete of flourite now when I do the switch to make it easier for me when I go planted.

Would I be able to put in a clown loach or two? Really love how they look. Maybe a few more neon tetras or other sorts of tetras as well? Like the look of the bleeding hearts, or rummy nose also
Your tank is too small for clown loaches. Although they grow slowly, they get quite large eventually.
Agreed^^^. Its sad but the common misconception is that clown loaches stay small. I wanted one too until I did some reading and saw pictures of how enourmous they get. I decided to stick with yoyos instead. Yoyos would be a good addition btw. I have a trio and they are by far my favorite fish besides my new embers and my betta
Thanks guys, guess the clown loaches are out for now until I can get a 55 :). I looked into the yoyo's and it says that they are semi aggressive would they be fine with the fish that I have now?

Also how would I determine how to not overstock my tank. I would love to add a few more tetras of maybe a different variety or another fish that will constantly be zooming around like my neon's but learned my lesson about overstocking the hard way last year and don't want to make that mistake again.
I would say the clown would need something larger than a 55 but you could probably house one in a 55 for awhile and get away with it for a short time. And idk where you read yoyo's are aggresive but mine are anything but. They have been incredibly passive for me, but dont mistake passive for a lack of energy...these guys do laps around the 20g long and I cant wait to see them in my 55g. I keep them with a school of ember tetras and have no problems at all. I would recommend a school of embers btw. I love them and the color is great once it comes in.
I would say the clown would need something larger than a 55 but you could probably house one in a 55 for awhile and get away with it for a short time.

Guess ill have to go bigger than 55 then. This is no time soon though as I just got the 29 several months ago and my mom cares for my tanks while I am away at college.

Guess I will have to look in further into the yoyo's, and will take a look at the embers.
I am thinking of stocking the tank with:

10 neon tetras
6 rummy nose tetras
3 yoyo loaches
1 dwarf gourami
2 snails
and 10 ghost shrimp

Would these numbers be overstocking my tank?
It'd probably be fine from a bio-filter standpoint, but maybe you should consider 1 of the tetra schools and maybe something to fill the top or bottom. Both are mainly middle, but even so, I'd imagine that setup has a pretty good chance at success. The main thing is adding slowly so the biofilter can catch up.

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