Aquarium Advice Activist
Hey all,
I have a general question regarding the stocking of a 29g tropical community tank. This tank used to be my goldfish tank but they both recently passed. I will be returning home from college tomorrow and plan to turn it into a tropical community tank.
I currently have a 10g tropical with 1 Dwarf Gourami, 6 Neon Tetras, 3 Ghost shrimp, and 1 snail that will be going into the 29. There is also another snail already in the 29. In addition to these fish what else can I put in. This is going to be my first venture into a decent sized Tropical tank so any recommendations are appreciated.
Currently the tank is running an AquaClear 70 HOB filter. I have fake plants in there now and will probably keep it that way at least for now, maybe try out a planted tank in the future (next few months) but for now I just want to get the tank set up and stable with fish.
I have a general question regarding the stocking of a 29g tropical community tank. This tank used to be my goldfish tank but they both recently passed. I will be returning home from college tomorrow and plan to turn it into a tropical community tank.
I currently have a 10g tropical with 1 Dwarf Gourami, 6 Neon Tetras, 3 Ghost shrimp, and 1 snail that will be going into the 29. There is also another snail already in the 29. In addition to these fish what else can I put in. This is going to be my first venture into a decent sized Tropical tank so any recommendations are appreciated.
Currently the tank is running an AquaClear 70 HOB filter. I have fake plants in there now and will probably keep it that way at least for now, maybe try out a planted tank in the future (next few months) but for now I just want to get the tank set up and stable with fish.