New 37g needs stocking

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 10, 2012
Hello there, this is my first aquarium set up I've had, I'm new to the game. I have a 37g freshwater tank and a freshwater 10g tank. I'm really not sure yet what I would like to stock them with. I like the idea of having a shrimp breeding tank in the 10g. From what I've read, Red Cherry Shrimp would be a good option. Would the youngins make good food for the fish in the bigger tank? I was thinking having some cichlids would be cool, but options are somewhat limited with a 37g tank. Would it be possible to house an angelfish with some other smaller fish that would also eat RCS? Am I dreaming with this stocking set up? Also, if you have any suggestions or comments for my decor in the 37 they would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for any input :)


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Great cichlid= Apistogramma agassizi dwarf cichlid great community fish
Yeah, regular cichlids would get too big, but you could do this:

2 Bolivian Rams (Great Rams for begginers!)
7 or 8 Galaxy Raspboras
7 or 8 Neon Tetras
BN Pleco

That would be really cool! Have you cycled your tank yet?

For the 10 gallon, you could buy about 20 Cherry Shrimp, and you could house 100 in the ten gallons if you wanted too! I wouldn't recommend feeding the Cherry Shrimp babies to the fish, but maybe you could take them into the lfs for some store credit?

Both tanks would benefit from live plants if you're up to it ;)
Yeah, my tank has been cycling for a couple weeks now, I have what I believe to be some white cloud tetras and three ghost shrimp in there so far. Bolivian Rams sound great! I was looking at the gold or blue rams but figured they wouldn't be a good option because I hear they can be difficult to take care of, and my local pH is about 7.6. Are there any plants I could put in there to lower the pH? Also, what plants would you recommend? I will indeed be adding some driftwood and live plants soon. And as for tank mates for the Rams, would a few dwarf gouramis work? They've also been on my list, I think they're really cool. Thanks for all the help!
Did some looking around today. I'm thinking I want an African Butterfly Fish, maybe 3 or 4 Bolivian rams, the 6 White Cloud Mountain minnows (I don't care if those get eaten, they're just there for cycling purposes) and ghost shrimp I have now, and then 6-8 red phantom tetras(unless they're going to be too small to be safe with the butterfly fish) and a pleco my girlfriend is giving me. Would this be overstocking the tank?
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