New 40 gal breeder!

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Okay, so going on day 3, and no Amano shrimp sightings yet...
Anyone else have a ram that has a taste for seafood??
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HalfMoon B said:
Okay, so going on day 3, and no Amano shrimp sightings yet...
Anyone else have a ram that has a taste for seafood??

They like to hide during daytime. Turn on the lights a few hours after "lights off" and there is a big chance you'll see them out searching for food.
Tried that. And the algae wafers they love that I dropped in yesterday are in the exact same spots...curiouser and curiouser...
I love your rams I'm trying to get mine to color up like that, and I'm going to go possible pick up a female today I called the lfs and he is going to order a gbr and ask for a female he says its a 70/30 chance I'll get what I want but I'm hoping it'll work I'll also be picking up some rocks and plants and switch up the tank a bit before adding my beauty to it so there might not be territory issues, wish I could have got a 40b like I wanted but instead got a 29high. Good luck with all your fish and plants I'll be watching this progress.
Aquali said:
I love your rams I'm trying to get mine to color up like that, and I'm going to go possible pick up a female today I called the lfs and he is going to order a gbr and ask for a female he says its a 70/30 chance I'll get what I want but I'm hoping it'll work I'll also be picking up some rocks and plants and switch up the tank a bit before adding my beauty to it so there might not be territory issues, wish I could have got a 40b like I wanted but instead got a 29high. Good luck with all your fish and plants I'll be watching this progress.

Well thanks! High quality food, plenty of space, and they will be just fine! I had to propagate my plants and change a few things before I added the rams and have had no problems. They are little explorers after being in BB QT for 3 weeks...
I am HOPING they haven't harrassed my shrimp into hiding/death!!

The 40b is a great siE tank... Petco has them for $40 currently ;)
Yeah I heard but unfortunately I still live with mom and pop while I go to college so I can't get myself another tank yet I got my 29g for graduation. I was hoping they would give me the money and let me decide because I know how to find great deals but they didn't.
Yup with your shrimp how have the gbr been doing with them I heard they are shrimp eaters I was wondering how well they do with algae they grow on wisteria also my pleco doesn't do a very good job clean those
Well, my shrimp DID a great job of cleaning, and I didn't notice any issues with the rams when introduced. Hoping my shrimp are just molting and hiding and not snacks...
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Sweet I got my new GBR I can't tell 100% certain gender because it hasn't developed her color yet but by dorsal fin and pelvic fins it appears to be a female and when she isn't super stressed you can see 7 full bars of black on her. How young were your GBR when you got them and how long did it take to color up mine is starting to get color spots of blue on face red on dorsal and pelvic fins exctera and good on the shrimp maybe the other one is still in hiding crossing my fingers for you decided against shrimp because my dad was too impatient for me to look for them :p
I got mine from a very trusted LFS. The ONLY place I will buy fish locally (SM and HN1 are my online suppliers ;)
They were roughly half an inch smaller when I got them and now one is 3" and the other is 2.5"
I fed them NLS growth and Thera A+ for their 3 week quarantine.
And they colored within a few days of their new diet and water. I would say at this point, be cautious of them with shrimp apparently?
But that is still innocent until proven guilty in my tank...
Thanks unfortunately I don't have the space to set up a quarantine tank but I special ordered it and picked it up on day it was shipped so she didn't even get put into the stores tanks, owner didn't want the fish to go through the stress of acclimating to two tanks in one day, at the moment I would be surprised if the little girl is bigger than an inch. Also I don't know where to get either of those products
HalfMoon B said:
The Rams have colored up VERY nicely!

They look gorgeous!!! I love it! I so can't wait for my own rams, grr jealous of yours;). But really they look fantastic!
AquaKai said:
They look gorgeous!!! I love it! I so can't wait for my own rams, grr jealous of yours;). But really they look fantastic!

Thanks! Good diet and clean water does it. The plants have gone NUTS lately too...
I can hardly keep up with the gardening!
The remaining shrimp popped up today too. Go figure.
Couple shots for you guys.


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