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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
Saw this guy at the LFS and could not pass up a chance to test the age old question- do male betas work in community tanks? so far so good in my case. :)

His current tankmates are 3 dwarf gouramis, an opaline gourami, and 7 bleeding heart tetras. My main concern was that the tetras would nip at him as they did when the gouramis when they were introduced.

The LFS I bought him from had him in a community tank so he was already used to sharing space with fastmoving tankmates. It also really just depends on the beta!

Good luck if you decide to try it out for yourself. :)
My betta does real well in a comunity tank with gouramis mollies and amber tetras
Wow, I've never seen one that looks quite like that one! Very nice. BTW, I generally am not very fond of male bettas but he's real cool looking. 8)
Your Betta is beautiful! I have considered getting one and putting it in a little nano tank or something. I've never seen one in that morph.
Nice looking crown tail. I've been looking for clear fined female to bred to mine marble male.
Yes but it my be the other way around at frist. Then the Betta will attack them. Do to the large fins of the guppys. Must male bettas don't go with guppys for just that reason. They thank they're another male betta.
I wouldn't add a betta to a tank with guppy at all.
Here's my grown tail male just becoame a father 6 days ago breed with a VT black female.


My kids call him Shark boy do to the shark dorsal fin. He's got a ful.mask and has purple over Black
Thanks I have so many it's really hard to pick out a faverite but I'd say he is. He's just so pecful and dosn't bother anything in the tank.
Hrmm. I really do like Betta's... Espically when you get them from an actual tank from the LFS (not little cups... Poor guys)

Next question: do you think one would be ok in my community tank:

1 Golden Gourami (almost 3 inches) one Boesaumi Rainbow (almost 3 inches) 9 neon tetra's, 3 black phantom tetras (they seem mildly agressive towards themselves) 3 SAE's, (2 inches) 2 Cory's, 1 small clown loach (2.5 inches) 1 CAE(2.5 inches)

See anything that would be bad for a male betta?
Your picture has made me reconsider, though i want it to be a good home for this generally abused species of fish :(
That's a hard call there mainly do to the gouramis. the betta and the gourami belong to the same family { Osphronemidae } And are both bubble nest builders. A lot of times they don't go well togeather at all. Every once in a while you will find those that will go good togeather.
I'd say whatch them really close if you diside to add them togeather. If it was me " I wouldn't add them to the same tank togeather." Ihave only found acouple of fish the Betta will enter act with good. That's the Pleco's. They stay away from each other. LOL If it was a Vail tail Betta. I mit say yes. But being a crown tail,I'd have to say no. I have a male Crown tail that was a safe the life of him from wal-mart. When you say you wouldn't buy one from the cup. I thank those are the one's that need hobbiest like us the most.
To give him a great home other then the cup. So I say to all the future betta friends and lovers. " Save them from alife of the cup and give them a good home YOURS. " This is the one that was a wal-mart save.

He as well as the last one I posted is also a new fathersame day 4 to 5 days ago. He was bred to a crown tail female marble blue over white. Hoping to get a comb tail dalta male from this fry.
About "saving" them from a cup... I don't LIKE to do this because if nobody bought them from cups... They wouldn't put them in cups.

Kinda like puppies in superpet. They are put in a 2x2 cage for at least a month of their life, forced to poop where they sleep, but people walk in and either go "aweeee, what a cute puppy" or feel sorry for it and buy it. That's exactly how we got our old dog (an 28 pound inbred shitzu with one brown eye, one blue eye, half deaf, and developed cateracts (cloudy eyes) by the time she was 6) My mom felt sorry for her, figured nobody would buy her and she'd be put down.

I think i may TRY the betta in my tank with gourami. My gourami has never showed ANY interest in any other fish. He tends to school with my clown loach, and he's buddies with my boesaumi rainbow (about the same size as him)

Since the male betta is smaller than him, i don't think he'll feel threatened, and i have alot of hiding spaces too.

I also have a 2.5 gallon quarentine tank that i can set up in a hurry, and the guys at big al's know me well, they'll take the fish back and give me 100% credit (minus tax)

SOrry for taking over this thread! Any final opinions?
(Does it seem like an acceptable risk?)
Yea if you have a back up plane it's always worth a try. The gourim's will either take to him and beat on him. Put as long as there is a back up that's better then just trying it and having no way to back out if it dosn't work.
my gourami's are 3 and 3.5 inches long and live quite peacefully with my betta male and female in a community tank. They all "grew up" together.
Around Christmas 05, my father brought me some beautiful guppies and I had nowhere but this tank to put them in. I was afraid because of thier fins and the betta, but he NEVER bothered them. Everyone is fine. Really just depends on all your fish's dispositions I guess.
Good luck. Bettas bring a lot of beauty.

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