New breed of Guppy!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 22, 2007
Well, kinda... you be the judge.

I have now produced 4 generations of this fish, and they all look the same! (finally)

I don't have the best camera, but I tried to draw you a diagram of how the males look... anywho here's some pics:

This pic is of one of the males - It's color is as follows: Purple near the top of the head, and the underside is a reflective aqua/blue color. The rear of the body fades to yellow (which fades into the tail) and finishes a bright orange. There is the "oil spill" look across the entire body of the fish.
(It's the male in the center)

Here's one of his tail, so you can see his spots:

The females look like common guppies, but share the Spotted dorsal fin and tail, altho, they are only yellow in color, and the "oilslick" phenomenon is not visible.

I tried to give you a rough idea of the coloring with this poorly done photo-shop picture. hahaha

I now have WAY too many in all 3 of my tanks and will be selling some to the LFS to make some room...

Anywho, I felt like sharing!
the color pattern looks close to some guppies in my tank, but I dont believe the purple/blue colors are present on the body. I would have to check tonite when I get home, if they are new, we might be on the lookout for some, my fiance loves purple...
papa_bear_21 said:
the color pattern looks close to some guppies in my tank, but I dont believe the purple/blue colors are present on the body. I would have to check tonite when I get home, if they are new, we might be on the lookout for some, my fiance loves purple...

Oh man... let me know! I'd be really interested to see them!
gotta get one to sit still long enough for a photo op...LOL dang things never stay still...only ones that do are my loachs and on occassion my pleco...will see if I can snap one for ya tho
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