New Discovery (EGGS) !

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 3, 2004
In all my years of having an aquarium I've never had catfish lay eggs that I was aware of. Last night to my surprise there were eggs all over the heater, sponge filter, plants, and tubing. The Cory Cat was still laying out more too.
This may be old stuff for a lot of you -- but it is a first for me. Just thought I would share it. Anxious to see what comes of it all. 8O
Congrats!! My corys have never laid eggs to knowledge before either - I would be so excited as well!!
If you wish to keep a majority of the young, it would be best to sperate the eggs into a nother tank, or move any fish that may view the eggs as food. but congrats, you are doing a great job raising the cory cats, and the show their appreciation.
Thanks for all the replies everyone! I've only got this one 29 gal tank but the population is of neons and cardinals--my giant 12" Pleco and 2 cory cats. I'm hoping some would survive. I've done a little research today and the problem I foresee is food after they consume the yolksac. Looks like the preferred is brine shrimp or microworms which I don't have without a 2 hour round trip to a LFS. My food collection is Hikari Wafers-Shrimp Pellets-TetraMin Flakes and Tablets--.
Any suggestions would be appreciated--Thanks a bunch.... :)
Take your flake food and put it in a plastic baggie and pound it into a powder, aka flake "flour." Then dissolve some in a small amount of tank water and get a turkey baster or other sort of syringe and squirt it directly into the crevice or area of the tank where the fry reside. Other than catching them and raising them in a nursery tank this is your best bet.
I agree with TG, but you might also want to add some shrimp pellets into the mix when you "pound" it. It will add alot of protien that will boost the growth of the cories.
Hey Tankgirl & Whitetiger --Thanks for the food advice!! I'll do exactly that. The egg bit got me tickled because if they were kin to any of the catfish here in Ark. you could just find the nastiest thing you could get and they would love it!!! :D
There are way too many eggs to count and if I am lucky enough to have a lot hatch I may have to spend a few bucks and set up a little something extra to raise them in for a little while. Thanks for all your answers!! I will be posting the news good or bad shortly. See ya, :)
Well, none of the eggs hatched out---they slowly over about two weeks disappeared...I started to try to remove some initially, but they were really stuck and it seemed they would be damaged so I left them alone... Now TODAY that Cory Cat is at it again laying more eggs all over the place---I was really surprised to see this happening again after hearing that it was quite a rare occurence...Just thought I would update....maybe this time will be different.... :?
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