New Fish and corals

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 16, 2003
So I got my 29 gal setup for about a month now.

Here is my current setup:
29 gal aquarium
10 gal sump
sea clone 100 protein skimmer
600 gph sump pump
RO/DI water filter
100 Watt heater
130 Watt 50/50 PC lighting
200 gph PH

16.5 lbs live rock
10 lbs regular rock that is covered in algae now
3/4 inch live sand
1 3 striped damsel
1 tank raised percula clown
1 blue leg hermit

I was thinking about getting some corals/fish/shrimp now, any suggestions.
Some things I was looking into getting:
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Blood red fire shrimp
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Flame Angelfish
Blue Lobster
2 Snails

What are your suggestions on cool looking corals or any other suggestions. Thanks for the help
The angels need to be limited to one. Two will not get along. As cool as Lobsters are..they are very destructive to your tank, so you may want to reconsider unless you are into rebuilding your rock structures on a daily basis. You will really need/want more of a clean up crew. a dozen snails/dozen crabs....would be my recommendation.
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Blood red fire shrimp
Flame Angelfish
Blue Tang
A second tank raised percula clown (hopefully a mate to my current)
3 Snails
Electric blue hermit crab
Emerald crab

I have no idea where to start with corals, Which ones are for beginners but look cool and whatnot.
The tang needs to be in a tank of 100 gal or more, they like to swim. Angel fish I've read will eat some corals.

As far as what corals I guess it depends on what you decide to put in your tank. We only have 3 small fish in our 29 gallon reef and went with soft corals for example, zoanthids, leathers. Mushrooms are good too.
I got a bubble coral, an elegance, a toadstool leather, and a colony polyp.. Everything seems to be doing great.. They are easy to moderate care.. I like the looks that it brings to the tank... Visit and check out their beginner coral pack that they offer.. That might be a start.. Id suggest buying them locally or elsewhere as they are kind of expensive.

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