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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 14, 2004
San Jose, Ca
Yesturday I bought a powder blue tang and a yellow tang both are large and in a QT tank. This morning I saw the yellow tang scratch itself on a shell i have in the QT. However, both fish look 100% healthy. The powder blue looks flawless. What should I do? should I get the powder blue out of the QT to prevent him from getting whatever it is the yellow tang may have? how should i treat the yellow tang, I have cupramine, quick cure, clout and can do hypo.
If they are in the same tank they have both already been exposed to the same things. Keep an eye on them both and be ready with your cure of choice.
Out of the treatments that you mention, I would opt for either hypo or cupramine if the need arises to treat. Tangs are a little sensitive, but tolerate either of these treatments well.
However, both fish look 100% healthy. The powder blue looks flawless. What should I do?

Nothing, until you see spots or other abnormalities. Tangs may scratch from time to time, with nothing wrong. If spots do appear, hypo is better for tangs, they are copper sensitive. Keep the water quality and especially PH up (8.1-8.3) and monitor them closely for now...
I was about to say the same thing. Just because a fish scratches himself does not mean he has ick. Look for visible evidence. Have a good day
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