New Flasher Wrasse in my tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 19, 2009
Just got a flasher wrasse for the first time. Looked pretty in the store and heathy, active amongst other fish - not hiding in the rocks (not many rocks in the display tanks but enough for many fish to hide when they try to fish them out). The new Wrasse just hid immediately in my rocks upon entry. I have quite a bit of rockwork, all the other fish get along and I always keep my 75g lightly stocked. I can see him hiding in the rocks - not in a sickly way just in a spot where I can barely see its head and it seems like he's keeping an eye out on everyone.

I seem to not have little luck with any smaller pretty fish. Psedochromis had an issue with once. Didn't last. Also some other small colorful fish just hide.

Never had issues introducing tangs, clowns, chromis have done five,angelfish of any types - even dwarf angels like flame angels end up being very friendly and swim all over the tank while they can be timid when first introducing.

Any advice?

Very sad to see these guys not do well in my tank and wind up being expensive mistakes as I'm afraid they don't get any food by hiding after a few days.
These are not fish that should be added late to a tank. They're very timid and tend to not do well with aggressive eating tankmates unless added before them.
every wrasse I ever added to my tanks hid for like 2 weeks give him time to get used to his new surroundings , just run the blues a few days he'll be out in no time
Mine is still timid and he was in the tank himself for 4 months. He is just starting to come out more
Thx hope it makes out. Any good way to make sure it gets enough food while hiding? I guess it might eventually come out if it's hungry enough or catch some debris or leftovers from feeding

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