new guy needs advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 19, 2004
Hello everybody,as you can tell this is my first time here but ive been looking for a site like this for a while....anyway, I was hoping i may be able to get a little help...Problem:I have a 90 gallon f/o tank w/liverock.I had to transplant this tank to new location in my house which went pretty sucesfully so far but i have one problem..I have a powder blue tang which i have owned for about a year.He was a healthy fish and was fed a varied diet with vitamin suplements and is a really healthy fish.
I moved my tank and set it back up the same day but the water was cloudy so i left my fish overnight in the tubs i set up for them.I put the fish in the tank the next day and they seemed fine but that night my tomato clown clouded the tank back up pretty bad when was clearing out a place to sleep,He does this all the time but since i had just put my sandbed back in it was really powdery and it clouded the tank up really bad.all the fish seemed alright but the powder blue.he was franticly pacing the front of the tank and looked stressed so i moved him into my 28 gallon reef tank till things could clear up. bad news is i have noticed raised white spots on the tang since i put his in the smaller tank
The reef tank has been running for 2 years and has a mated pair of cleaner shrimp along with corals and goby's.
the question is, Should i leave him in the 28 gal. and see if that will clear him or should i set up a hospital tank
Sorry this is so long winded but i wanted to make sure you have details to work with.
Now that ive found this forum i hope to be a long time member...thank you
think that imo a 28 is way way to small for any tang and will cause them more stress which leads to ick !!!
also if ya have had him for a years in that tank then he should be way over due for a new home !!!
Im sorry if i wasnt clear but i had him in the 90 gallon tank but moved him when he appeard stressed from the cloudy water caused by the clown fish..hes only been in a 28 gal. tank for 2 days,but i have cleaner shrimp in there and was wondering if that would help with the ick..i am able to quarantien but i didnt want to stess him out more.i dont want to put him back in the 90 gal. if he's got ick.i was hoping the shrimp would take care of him in the small tank before i put him back in the 90.
shrimp will help a little but will never get rid of it totally !! think even if ya had 30 shrimp it wouldnt matter a total mis-conception imo !! id pull the shrimp and try the hypo-salinity
the shrimp are the regular resident of the 28 gallon tank which has been established for 2 years with live rock and corals.the water paremeters are perfect and it is a well balanced tank.but if it wont help the tang i'll move him. I think hypo-sal will be to stressful right now since i just moved him from his original home.the ick is not bad, just 4 or 5 white spots and the tang isint rubbing or flashing yet.should i put him back into the 90 gal.? or should i quarentine?
thanks for your replys and any more info would be helpful.thanx
If he is developing Ich, you need to quarantine and treat this condition before you put him back in your display tank. Sorry but I think that is the only thing left to do. He will need treatment to help with this, I would not take the risk that it will clear up on its own. Once established, it will spread. Sorry to hear of your problems
Tangs are very prone to Ich, I made the mistake of putting one in my 118gall tank with about 250AUS worth of fish, I lost everyone of them. As my tank was so big I couldn't catch him to get him out.
I'd get him out as soon as possible and into the QT. Then keep a close eye on the rest of your fish.
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