I'm not really all that sure where to post since my tank is brackish, but here will do just as well as there. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tyler, and I'm a newcomer to the world of fish geekness. I dabbled in it for a couple years, but I'm about a month into more serious aquaria. I'm only running one tank at the present (I had two, but my five sprung a leak of some sort. My two year old albino cory cat and his tank mates had to be moved into a foster tank (friend's tank) while i could figure out what is going on). My only running tank is a ten gallon (a freebie to hold me off until I get twenty(another freebie(I like parenthesis))) with one Green Spotted Puffer and two fiddler crabs (to be moved into the five once I figure out what its deal is(crabs only, it's going to be sweet(parenthesis!(i'm a nerd)))). Moses, the puffer, is probably the coolest fish I've ever met. I'll get a picture of him and his tank as soon as I go get a digi.
I'm not really all that sure where to post since my tank is brackish, but here will do just as well as there. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tyler, and I'm a newcomer to the world of fish geekness. I dabbled in it for a couple years, but I'm about a month into more serious aquaria. I'm only running one tank at the present (I had two, but my five sprung a leak of some sort. My two year old albino cory cat and his tank mates had to be moved into a foster tank (friend's tank) while i could figure out what is going on). My only running tank is a ten gallon (a freebie to hold me off until I get twenty(another freebie(I like parenthesis))) with one Green Spotted Puffer and two fiddler crabs (to be moved into the five once I figure out what its deal is(crabs only, it's going to be sweet(parenthesis!(i'm a nerd)))). Moses, the puffer, is probably the coolest fish I've ever met. I'll get a picture of him and his tank as soon as I go get a digi.