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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 12, 2011
Hi im new here and would like some help as I don't know much.

Ive got an old fish tank that my parents used to have but has not been used for a while, all clean just need fish and pumps. I was thinking of having some gold fish in them to make the house look better etc.

I was wondering what type or size of pump would I need for the fish tank? I wouldn't want one too powerful or too weak for the fish as I guess it would hard them. Ive seen on some aquarium sites that it can hold roughly 150-180 litres of water.

The size of my fish tank is 36" wide, 15" high and 12" deep or roughly 91, 38 and 30cm.

Thanks in advances
Sounds roughly like a 35g. A filter rated for at least a 70 tank would be good but I've heard goldfish can have an extremely large bioload so really a bigger one would keep the water clearer.
william90 said:
Hi im new here and would like some help as I don't know much.

Ive got an old fish tank that my parents used to have but has not been used for a while, all clean just need fish and pumps. I was thinking of having some gold fish in them to make the house look better etc.

I was wondering what type or size of pump would I need for the fish tank? I wouldn't want one too powerful or too weak for the fish as I guess it would hard them. Ive seen on some aquarium sites that it can hold roughly 150-180 litres of water.

The size of my fish tank is 36" wide, 15" high and 12" deep or roughly 91, 38 and 30cm.

Thanks in advances

Welcome. Aboard!

You have a 28 gallon tank, goldfish need 20g for the first one and 10g for each aditional fish. So 2 would be a reasonable number for your tank IMHO.

When you say pump, I'm guessing you mean filter to clean the water? If so, I'd recommend filtration for at least double your tank, if not triple with goldfish because they're very messy (lots of poo lol). I have 3 goldies in a 37g tall and I filter for nearly 100g of water with 2 HOB filters. One is an AquaClear 50 and the other a Fusion 4. the flow is just fine for my pair of Black Moors and 1 Panda Fancy Fantail.

Please read up on fishless cycling on a stickie here before adding any fish to your aquarium.

Good luck and if you have additional questions there's lots of helpful advice here.
Welcome. Aboard!

You have a 28 gallon tank, goldfish need 20g for the first one and 10g for each aditional fish. So 2 would be a reasonable number for your tank IMHO.

When you say pump, I'm guessing you mean filter to clean the water? If so, I'd recommend filtration for at least double your tank, if not triple with goldfish because they're very messy (lots of poo lol).

Please read up on fishless cycling on a stickie here before adding any fish to your aquarium. here.

Good info here.

I'll add that these tank recommendations are for fancy goldfish. Common goldfish really need a pond. They'll get 18" long, too large for most aquariums.

There are links to the aforementioned cycling articles in my signature.
william90 said:
Thanks for the advice, I was planning on getting 2 or 3 goldfishes for my tank but I dont no yet which type etc. I have also read the cycling so I will get that sorted before I put anything in it.

With regards to the filter, would this filter be enough for my tank?

Aquarium Fish Tank Internal Filter Pump 800L/H New | eBay UK


I have an in tank filter on my 8g, but prefer the hang on back for larger tanks. Below is a link to my filter recommendation for your tank.
Sorry, got busy and totally forgot about this. I will purchase one of those Aqua Clear filters 50. As I live in UK and this product seem to only be sold in US, is $40 for the filter including post&packaging a good deal?

With the filter, I have read that I do not need to change the Biomax, Carbon or the Sponge in it, is this correct? Just have to clean/rinse them everytime I wash the tank?

Do I also need a air pump for the fishes? Sorry for all the questions lol

Thanks in advance
Sorry, got busy and totally forgot about this. I will purchase one of those Aqua Clear filters 50. As I live in UK and this product seem to only be sold in US, is $40 for the filter including post&packaging a good deal?

With the filter, I have read that I do not need to change the Biomax, Carbon or the Sponge in it, is this correct? Just have to clean/rinse them everytime I wash the tank?

Do I also need a air pump for the fishes? Sorry for all the questions lol

Thanks in advance

Oh I was looking on ebay for that product and it came to $40, is what I meant to say.
Sorry, got busy and totally forgot about this. I will purchase one of those Aqua Clear filters 50. As I live in UK and this product seem to only be sold in US, is $40 for the filter including post&packaging a good deal?

With the filter, I have read that I do not need to change the Biomax, Carbon or the Sponge in it, is this correct? Just have to clean/rinse them everytime I wash the tank?

Do I also need a air pump for the fishes? Sorry for all the questions lol

Thanks in advance

Correct, except the carbon is only good for about 2-3 weeks. I don't run my carbon packs, instead I put poly-fil (floss) in it's place and it cleans the water very well. i don't clean my filter media out unless it really needs it, so every 2nd PWC it gets a light rinse in tank water I pull after a PWC. Never use tap water to clean filter media, it kills the bacteria. An air pump and stone is a good option, but not a necessity, although it does help you thru a fishless cycle.

Funny I though Hagen was made in Germany, figured you'd get a better price than me in the States lol.
Correct, except the carbon is only good for about 2-3 weeks. I don't run my carbon packs, instead I put poly-fil (floss) in it's place and it cleans the water very well. i don't clean my filter media out unless it really needs it, so every 2nd PWC it gets a light rinse in tank water I pull after a PWC. Never use tap water to clean filter media, it kills the bacteria. An air pump and stone is a good option, but not a necessity, although it does help you thru a fishless cycle.

Funny I though Hagen was made in Germany, figured you'd get a better price than me in the States lol.

Ha is it, I never knew lol. All I see on majority of the sites in UK and ebay is the Aqua Clear Power Head 50 which pumps air and not filter. Ive emailed to see if they can get me one from another country for cheap lol.
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