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Is it in the budget to pick up a small tiny tank? I've heard rumor that the $1/gallon sale is coming soon at petco. It's alwasy better to have a small backup tank around anyways.

If its not in the budget I would wait it out and keep a check on your parameters, there's not much else you can do I guess.

Sorry I'm not that big of a freshwater gal, so my answers are usually pretty generic and basic,
I'm sure someone else will hop in soon enough.
Yeah. . just never got round to it. I'm in the UK so nothing too cheap available really

Water is fine like I say and it's just the danios that seem to be struggling!
Same way as tetras, floated bag for 20 min or so, opened, pegged to side of aquarium and added cupfull of aquarium water. Repeated several times over time until large majority of water was from aquarium, added fish one at a time using net, chucked the bag with water in away

Like I say though, I'm sure the fish had the red mark on when I got home.. one lasted 12 hrs, the other 2 about 24
MattJ said:
Same way as tetras, floated bag for 20 min or so, opened, pegged to side of aquarium and added cupfull of aquarium water. Repeated several times over time until large majority of water was from aquarium, added fish one at a time using net, chucked the bag with water in away

You did the right thing. I agree with Carey that either a hospital tank or returning them to the store is the best course of action. They definitely seem to be struggling, and as soon as you mentioned them having spots on them alarm bells started ringing in my head.

Here in the US they've got 10 gallon tanks for $12.99 at Petco and Petsmart, but I'm not sure what prices are over there. QT and treatment is the best option, but if that's not possible...I'd definitely return them to the store. Sorry Matt :-(
Returning to store is not easy over here as it may be over there. I've contacted them so waiting to hear back. Only 4 remain alive in tank.

As for hospital tank, that would require filter, heater etc too yes?
MattJ said:
Returning to store is not easy over here as it may be over there. I've contacted them so waiting to hear back. Only 4 remain alive in tank.
As for hospital tank, that would require filter, heater etc too yes?

Which store if your from the uk?
We returned to pets at home. Had no problems in doing so. If you have the receipt then you should be ok.
Sorry about your loss.
MattJ said:
Returning to store is not easy over here as it may be over there. I've contacted them so waiting to hear back. Only 4 remain alive in tank.

As for hospital tank, that would require filter, heater etc too yes?

Yes. Now, this isn't going to be ideal (and other members may be shocked I did this), but I've set up an absolute emergency QT before before I had a spare tank and filter. I had a Neon Tetra once who got a horrendous case of Popeye and was desperately hiding in the plants because the other fish were picking on him. I took a clean plastic bin (a clean cooler would have worked too), filled it with water from the tank and put one of my air stones in it for surface agitation. I placed the fish into it and medicated him in there while doing twice daily water changes with water I was removing from the display tank. After 5 days he was perfectly healthy and went back into the tank. I did have a spare heater though. This obviously isn't ideal, but if you have a fish which is at the end of it's road and you can't set up a real QT...unfortunately it only really leaves you with the option of doing what I did or euthanizing. If they continue to show signs of illness, disease, parasites...that may be your best bet until you can pick up a cheap 10 gallon and filter. You don't need a light for a QT, just a cheap tank, filter, heater and some media removed from your established filter (not enough to destabilize the main tank though). I've also heard horror stories of some stores simply flushing sick fish that were returned down the toilet, so trying to treat yourself (even in less than ideal conditions) is sometimes the most humane thing to do.
Right.. here is the deal.

LFS just got back to me. I paid in cash but they were fab and put the money straight back on to my card over the phone - full refund.

Their's became ill over night too and they have medicated thiers. Told me not to worry about bringing any fish back.

What do I do now? Obv best to get them out the tank but nowhere really to put them apart from in a bucket atm without filter or heater ..
MattJ said:
Right.. here is the deal.

LFS just got back to me. I paid in cash but they were fab and put the money straight back on to my card over the phone - full refund.

Their's became ill over night too and they have medicated thiers. Told me not to worry about bringing any fish back.

What do I do now? Obv best to get them out the tank but nowhere really to put them apart from in a bucket atm without filter or heater ..

Tell them you WANT to bring them back. If they are already treating the others...that's the ideal situation.
They said to treat for fin rot and white spot.

Tbh looking at some of they, they prob wouldn't make it back ... it's not like the LFS is just round the corner and I'll hit busy traffic with schools coming out and people leaving work.

I can try treat here but as I've said wasn't organised to have a 'hospital tank' .. or, while not ideal and not the best attitude to take, cut my losses.

If medication is the best option, again it would have to be the whole tank which includes my tetras (and at the moment 4 danios - some more healthy than others)
MattJ said:
They said to treat for fin rot and white spot.

Tbh looking at some of they, they prob wouldn't make it back ... it's not like the LFS is just round the corner and I'll hit busy traffic with schools coming out and people leaving work.

I can try treat here but as I've said wasn't organised to have a 'hospital tank' .. or, while not ideal and not the best attitude to take, cut my losses.

If medication is the best option, again it would have to be the whole tank which includes my tetras (and at the moment 4 danios - some more healthy than others)

You need to get them out of the tank ASAP. White spot = ich = bad.
I would remove the Danios to the emergency tank and not treat the whole tank unless necessary. Lots of ich meds can damage your bio-filter and hopefully it hasn't spread to other fish in the tank. You don't want to treat the main tank if you have any other option unless it is absolutely mandatory.
I have little options to go down though .. if you were in my situation, what would you do? I have no spare tank and taking them back isn't really a possibility right now.
Well I think (and I'm sure if I'm mistaken someone will put me right) you're going to have to treat the whole tank anyway for white spot (Ich). You can either use a prepared medication or you could (slowly) raise the temperature in the tank to around 30c/86f and add aquarium salt., 1 teaspoon to every 4 litres/1 imperial gallon and some daily water changes (will remove some of the trophonts and tromites and add oxygen). If you choose a medication you will need to remove the carbon from your filter.
Well I think (and I'm sure if I'm mistaken someone will put me right) you're going to have to treat the whole tank anyway for white spot (Ich). You can either use a prepared medication or you could (slowly) raise the temperature in the tank to around 30c/86f and add aquarium salt., 1 teaspoon to every 4 litres/1 imperial gallon and some daily water changes (will remove some of the trophonts and tromites and add oxygen). If you choose a medication you will need to remove the carbon from your filter.

You may be right, I'm not overly familiar with ich (fortunately). I would be interested to know how quickly a sick fish can infect the whole tank. Since they were just added, hopefully there hasn't been enough time for the other fish and tank to have come in contact with the parasite. Regardless, my first action would be to remove the Danios into an emergency set-up like I described before and watch the other fish very closely.

I'm sure someone with more parasite experience can add more info...but I think QT and treat unless it is mandatory to treat the whole tank.

This goes without saying...but also find another fish store.
I can the danios to a 10litre bucket that has only been used for the aquarium with water from the aquarium ... and treat for white spot using medication?

This would however, have no heater but would be at room temperature
It would depend on what stage of the life cycle the parasites are in. If there were at the stage where they could become free swimming then I would think that potentially the whole tank could be affected. I might be being a bit "belt and braces" though, I do take your point
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