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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 20, 2007
Hello everyone. I'm Tara...from the US, Georgia to be exact. In June I decided to start an aquarium with my daughter, for her birthday. I'll be honest, it started out with me thinking that keeping a fish would be easier and less expensive than a dog. What started out as a fish (a beta) turned into...well...a huge project. As we were shopping, we got more and more excited. We ended up walking out of the store with one 2.5 gallon bowl for her male beta, a 29 gallon tank with 2 goldfish, 3 female betas, a silver tipped shark, and a pleco. As of now, only 1 of those fish survived, a female beta. My daughter actually did not wish to see these fish buried but buried them each in their own coffins. I began researching about water conditions. I got the water squared away with some live plants. Instead of going to a chain petstore, I went to the internet and purchased some fish. As of now, I have 1 each of 5 different breeds of gourami, a pleco, and a chinese algae eater. I promise not to put any more in there :p

This is turning into a great experience as I see them all interact. So far, I've had them for 3 months and they are doing great. I'm watching very closely as I know they were all very young when I received them. Their personalities and traits are still developing. I'm considering selling my television just to have room for a bigger
welcome to the cult...errr, hobby. It sounds as if you started out like my family did, except we went from a 1 gallon to a 29 gallon, then added a 3 gallon eclipse, and now are operating in a 55 gallon tank. Once we move and have more room, we will be operating the 29, the 55, and the 3 gallon eclipse. The only one not up currently is the 29 gallon, as all the inhabitants are in the 55, but we will likely start the 29 up for a nice tropical community tank, and maybe turn the 55 into a loach tank, not 100% sure yet.

Again, welcome, and I am sure you will enjoy your stay. There is a wealth of knowledge to be had here, all you need to do is to pick the right brains...
Welcome to fishkeeping and this web site. Don't hesitate to ask questions or just read messages that have already been posted.
Welcome to AA! This is a great site with great people to help with anything you could ever want to know about fish-keeping. :)
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