New in Louisiana

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana

Just introducing myself. Very pleased to have found this forum, it seems like a great group of knowledgeable people! I've had aquariums since I was born, freshwater, and my biggest achievement was maintaining my thirty gallon tank mostly housing catfish and gourami. Unfortunately, I moved several states away and had to leave my tank with relatives...the tank was being moved and was subsequently dropped, in January in a snowstorm. I felt so bad about my fish inadvertently dying that I refused to have anything more than a betta (because they're pretty easy to move with, I've even evacuated for hurricanes with them) until I was certain I was not going to recreate that situation.

The only good thing about becoming disabled is that you're probably going to be stationary more often than I accepted a ten gallon tank. I can't even say how much enjoyment I get out of my fish! It certainly makes my being stuck in the house often a lot less unpleasant. (Of course I really want a giant fifty gallon tank...that wouldn't fit in my apartment, because fish are addicting.)

My tank is pretty heavily planted and is in an Greek/Roman ruins style decor because I'm an ancient history nerd. I've two cory cats (love the catfish!) one emerald and one peppered, two swordtails, Siamese algae eater, and guppies. I've actually never had guppies before, which is really weird, but I kept watching them every time I'd go to the pet store (my dog also likes to watch them so this was mandatory to go see them) and really have enjoyed them. They're very active! The males seem to be harassing the females a lot, I'm wondering if I should get a third to take the pressure off of them? I thought they might chill out a bit after being in the new tank wore off, but they're still really driving the females crazy.

I also have a six gallon tank with my extremely aggressive betta Phobos (named after a fear deity) in it and a Japanese algae shrimp. He's probably the most attractive betta I've ever had, but dislikes posing for pictures.

Again, happy to be here! If anyone has an opinion on the guppy harassment situation I'd be happy to hear it.

Welcome to AA!

I had the same issue with my guppies. I started keeping more females than males. that way, as the males were chasing after the females some of them would have a break
Thanks to all for the welcome! I certainly think I will be getting more female guppies, I feel bad about it now, my common sense apparently lapsed haha...
Welcome to AA from another LA local! I'm across the lake in Hammond. As for the guppies, 2 or more females per male is the general stocking rule.
Alyxx, that's great, its always good to have local people! I tried to join the local aquarium society but apparently my computer hates their forum. I can't believe that I didn't get more female guppies! I certainly will, and the two I have were both purchased pregnant...consequently I know have three fry hanging out in the plants. Quite pleased!

Thanks again for all the welcomes!
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