New leaves have holes??...

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Rodeo one

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 3, 2013
Anyone know why my new leaves look like this? Pond snails? Other tank inhabitants are Angel Fish, Zebra Loaches & Amanno shrimp.



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Maybe your Amano shrimp need more veggies in their diet. You should feed them an occasional blanched zucchini. I'm not sure if it might be a deficiency, I don't see any yellowing... just holes. Just in case though, are you placing root tabs under that sword plant?
Thanks for responding Brian. Yes, I do have root tabs under it & there s a single Amano in there maybe. I put 3 in there & the Angels went after them. Was able to catch 2 of them & put them in another tank but now can t find the 3rd. The leaf def looks torn tho....IDK??
I had this same problem with my swords and was told it could be a potassium deficiency. I had stopped adding fertilizer to try and combat algae issues. Bad idea. I use Flourish Comprehensive and dose that a couple of times a week. I also got some Tetra Florapride that has this in it. I says it promotes healthy leaf formation. My problem has went away and my swords are making tons of leaves. I am trying to get up the courage to tackle the dry ferts I ordered. The dosing seems a little more complicated than I can handle right now. My plants are doing fine with the above two mentioned liquid ferts but the dry ferts are cheaper.
Ok thanks. I use the Comprehensive once a week, so will try twice & push another root tab under it.
I want to get the dry ferts too but just haven t taken the leap yet :)!
Pin holes in leaves that grow are potassium deficiency. If they are tears look to the shrimp or loaches. Some loaches actually like to put holes/tears in large leaf plants such as swords. Clown loaches are famous for doing that but I've seen my yo-yo's do it on rare occasion when I had swords in their tank.
Thanks Rivercats. There s only holes/tears in the last two new leaves. The rest of the plant is fine. There s only one very terrified Amano shrimp in there , I can t even find him to rescue him from the Angels. I never see the Zebra loaches messing with it. Bit of a mystery. Put two root tabs under it tonight. Maybe that ll help it grow faster than they can beat it up! :)
If the plant is relatively new it could've been just some transition shock as well. It doesn't hurt to put down some comprehensive root tabs though to make sure it gets everything it needs.
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