New Member Here!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 15, 2012
Tucson, AZ
I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi!!! My name is Amanda but everyone calls me Mandi!! :)

I have had fish on and off throughout my life but have finally made keeping and breeding fish a new hobby!!! My fish are my babies and especially my fry. They are so :)

But any who I just wanted to say hello to you all. I am pretty knowledgeable about fish but am new to breeding so ask away on anything you need help with as far as anything including breeding and if I can't answer it from personal experience I will find out for you. (I am a huge researcher).

OK I am off of here. Have a great night all and I will be seeing you around!!! :fish1:
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Welcome :)
I breed Mollies & new at breeding Platies...
Today i brought home a Black Molly male for my 6 various Molly females. :)

Thank you!!! :)

I love my mollies. My male is also black and then I have 2 F dalmatians and 2 F silver mollies and 1 M 1 F balloon molly. I actually just got a new Panda Platy today. Pretty sure she is pregnant but she is little still so I think it will be her first drop when they come.

I can kind of see some black towards her back end but she also is white on the front and right before her anal fin she turns black so I am not sure I will have to keep an eye on her. I hope if she is it is with panda fry this time b/c they are a lot more expensive and would like to keep another female to add to my other tank to breed her with my red wag platy. But we'll see what happens!!! :fish2:
I also just joined so I thought I'd say hello and welcome. It's an amazing site! Glad your here.

Thank you!!! It seems to be so far! :) There are just some things it is better to ask someone who has been doing things a lot longer than to guess and kill one of my fish!!! :( I would feel bad!!! So thank you again!!! :)
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