New Neons :D

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Haha ya! :/ and i like plecos, but if you dont then i would pick shrimp! More active and fun to watch! Haha and manyyy options!
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Haha ya! :/ and i like plecos, but if you dont then i would pick shrimp! More active and fun to watch! Haha and manyyy options!

Well I'll have to wait for a while till my tank is stable enough, I hear shrimp are sensitive.
Headed to the pet store today to pick up my new additions.

4 neon tetra, arriving at the store I noticed a dead neon in that tank, so as is obvious I avoided that tank like the plague.

I instead opted for 4 glolight? Glow light? Tetras.

Here's a few pics of em in the bag:

I'll add some more of em once they are in the tank and happy :) enjoy!


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Haha awesome! Smart to avoid the "infested" tank! Haha i love my glowlight tetras! Iv had them for 3 months and they have gone through soo much and i havent lost one! Haha smart choice. Just make sure you add on to both schools eventually!
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Haha awesome! Smart to avoid the "infested" tank! Haha i love my glowlight tetras! Iv had them for 3 months and they have gone through soo much and i havent lost one! Haha smart choice. Just make sure you add on to both schools eventually!

Oh yea of course lol, after christmas each school will be bolstered to 8 :D
So after letting em settle for a few hours I noticed they have separated into 2 groups.

2 neon an 2 glowies per group and they sit at either end of the tank, least it shows acceptance right?

First feed 2moro, I'll try to catch some pics.

Also the landlord is coming by and we ain't allowed pets :O

Can I pass it off as setting up a Christmas gift? Who knows, sure we will find out 2moro! Lol :)
Feeding time.... Again lol :)


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Dude i bought 3 more glowlights and 2 mystery snails yesterday!! Hahaa my school looks soo good with 10!
Haha when i get homefrom school i will try to take one! Haha ya bettas are cool, sometimes mean though, it just depends! Haha get snails!
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Haha when i get homefrom school i will try to take one! Haha ya bettas are cool, sometimes mean though, it just depends! Haha get snails!

Well I don't wanna be overrun with snails so I'd have to wait for nerite ones I believe.

And I'm sure I can find a chilled out male, I'm sure the neons will out run one too lol :)
Hi looking good:) i would be cautious of getting a beta in there, i haven't kept one but heard they can be quite trying in a community set up? Due to being aggressive or tank mates being to quick for them to the food etc? Don't mention snails:hide: my tank over run with the dam things:facepalm:
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