New Neons :D

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
phoebekatee said:
Oh my..
I know someone who did a MB degree, and now works full time in pets@home, so no thanks!

Hahaha well you are only limited by what you seek, and obviously that person didn't seek enough!

Either way, "aim high, reach higher"
A very sad day....

As part of my water change I have a syphon that drains into a sink an then down the plug hole, now usually I am very careful with what I'm doing but today I was distracted.

Thinking I saw a crack I took my eyes off the end of the hose for 2 seconds which was enough time for 1 of my 4 glow lights to swim past and be sucked up.

Spotting it wizzing down the tube I rushed to the sink but it reached it before me and I couldn't save it.

RiP Mr, Glowie.

Sorry for not being quick enough :'(
LyndaB said:
We have an attachment for the end of our python. I no longer have to monitor the water changes, with the exception of the RCS tank, because no other fish will fit through the attachment.

Go to the bottom of the first post here to see the attachment, it's called a claw.

Thanks, I'll have to look into it.

It's a shame too because next weekend is when I will fill the schools out :(
Haha thats one of the most common questions! Truth is there are very few. Maybe a type of ram? But they are sensitive.. Maybe a festivum or type of rainbow fish?
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Haha thats one of the most common questions! Truth is there are very few. Maybe a type of ram? But they are sensitive.. Maybe a festivum or type of rainbow fish?

I haven't seen em round here, I'll go to the nearest store and check 2moro :)
Haha okay! I mean if you want a gourmi a honey gourmi if definitly the best type because they arnt agressive. But it is possible for one to eat a neon tetra or two.. It up to you! Haha
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