New Neons :D

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Well it's took a few weeks but my fish have finally realised that when the filter shuts off it's time for chow.

No sooner had the flake hit the water little head were popping up and taking a bite :)

Also been looking into Hikari mini tropical pellets, seem to be a great food and I'm sure the tetra gang will love em.

Now to stump up the price, think it can be a Christmas gift for the fish :p
stingrays4 said:
Hi yes we got a few fans:lol: May i ask why do you turn of the filter at feeding time? I do not do this?

Well my out flow pushes the food into the huge plastic plant and thats not good :nono:

So flipping it off for a few minutes helps feed and then I can turn it back with no probs :D
Hi OK,good idea,as long as you remember to turn on the filter again:hide:I've always found my fish love chasing the flake in flow from the filter:fish2: My shrimps eat anything the fish miss:)
I'm no expert but I imagine it's small particles that are like water dust in the gravel and were moved by the rapid addition and flow of new water. This has happened to a friend before, where there was stuff hiding RIGHT at the bottom and were shaken by water input from a pwc. They should settle within a few hours :)
My fish are crazy about my filter output! It's like their own Thorpe park, such rebels they are!
phoebekatee said:
I'm no expert but I imagine it's small particles that are like water dust in the gravel and were moved by the rapid addition and flow of new water. This has happened to a friend before, where there was stuff hiding RIGHT at the bottom and were shaken by water input from a pwc. They should settle within a few hours :)
My fish are crazy about my filter output! It's like their own Thorpe park, such rebels they are!

Yea it settled after a few hours lol.

Been having issues with the temp though.

Finally figured out the area of the heater that's set for 26°c :)
Hi how is the tank now Scouser? It could pay to do a gravel syphon and see if you could get some of the muck out? Also do you use a fine polishing pad in your filter? Basically its like cotton wool,in either a pad or simply like cotton wool?I recently used some in one of my tanks and the transformation was AMAZING:dance:Also added a carbon pad so that helped as well.
stingrays4 said:
Hi how is the tank now Scouser? It could pay to do a gravel syphon and see if you could get some of the muck out? Also do you use a fine polishing pad in your filter? Basically its like cotton wool,in either a pad or simply like cotton wool?I recently used some in one of my tanks and the transformation was AMAZING:dance:Also added a carbon pad so that helped as well.

Tank is doing great, thank you :)

I gravel vac a fair bit TBH, every water change has a rigorous vac routine to make sure nothing unsavoury is hiding lol.

And at the moment no, I don't have a fine cotton pad (hear they need replacing very often?!) but I used to have one and TBH I don't notice any differences.
Hi a vac routine and gravel syphon are two different jobs i believe? A vac 'hoovers' the muck from above the gravel. A gravel syphon is where you push a tube into the gravel and the syphon sucks up the muck. Good to hear its going well and yes they do need replacing quite alot:)
I do both, first digging then just above the surface.

Keeps my gravel looking nice and clean :)

Here's a night light shot, since I haven't added a pic for a while...


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