New red cherries!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 29, 2013
Chicago, IL
I've recently set up my tank. Didn't know about cycling, but by accident let mine cycle fish less for two weeks, lucky me! Upon adding fish and live plants everything seemed fine...not quite. My plants started to severely wilt and my fish got ich. Between water changes, trimming the plants way back, and ich medication, I only lost one fish.

Now my plants are growing slowly and fish are thriving. I learned about breeding so I added another female guppy, making the ratio 2:1. With a random platty hangin out.

My tank started to get dirty, so I researched bottom feeders (since cleaning the gravel I difficult with live plant roots). I just got my red cherries in the mail and I slowly acclimated then added them to the tank.

My last action was to finally perform a water test with API freshwater master liquid test kit. My ammonia was low (less than .2 ppm), and my nitrite and nitrate were near zero. My ph was a little high at 7.6 though.

My problem is the temperature! It has been slowly climbing for weeks. My heater is set to 74, but the temp has gone up all the way to 80. Any ideas to keep it down?

10g tank. 1 platty, 3 guppies, 10 rcs.


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