New tank need fish ideas

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 14, 2003
Hi I'm new here and I just started a 75 gallon SW aquarium. I'm planning on fish only and no life rock. My tank is cycled and i currently have two 4 striped damsels, a blue damsel, a yellowtail damsel, and a yellow damsel. I was wondering if this combination of fish would work together. Any advice anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.

yellow tang
percula clown
copperband butterfly
Porcupine puffer

Does this sound ok at all? Any tips on whether these fish are hard to keep. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks so much! This is a great site! Everyone is so nice unlike other forums!
The Damsels will fight (that includes the percula clown).

As for the tang, butterfly, and puffer they will go together pretty well, however,

Tangs are bad when it comes to getting ick, so always quarantine a tang before introducing into the main tank. They give your tank an excellent splash of color.

Copperband butterfly fish do not have a good survival rate. Some will adapt well, and then some will die within days. So make sure you get a healthy one. They are very beautiful though.

Puffers, Imo, is the hardiest fish in your list (besides the damsels) they are susceptible to ick but not as bad as Tangs. They have great personalities.

Hope this helps.
So would maybe a black and white butterfly be a better choice? Would maybe a different butterfly like a yellow butterfly be better? My damsels aren't fighting right now. I was looking at a chart for compatability and it said that damsels and clowns will get along. I will definately quarentine the Tang. Thanks for the advice.
One of my favorite butterfly fish is the Yellow Longnose Butterfly fish.

The damsels may not be fighting now but they will and eventually fight with the other fish too. They are territorial, so be cautious.
I would keep the clown and get rid of the other damsels, but it just really depends on your preference and what you are willing to risk, you may be one of the lucky ones and the damsels won't fight.
Well my yellow tail damsel died yesterday shortly after bringing it home. The other fish are fine and healthy and I'm assuming the damsel had a problem with it when i bought it and/or stress problems. I'm going to wait a few weeks, probably a month, before adding a percula clown. If I have problems with the damsels and clown getting along I'll take it back. So the yellow long nosed butterfly would be a good addition to the tank? Would the 4 damsels, clown, tang, butterfly, and puffer be too many fish for a 75 gallon tank? Thanks for your help! :D
Aren't the Green Chromis a little nicer than the every day damsels? I have had Damsels before and I really don't like them. They will pick on other fish and they dig holes.

A school of green chromis would be cool but I don't think I will have room after I get the other fish I want ...

You other choices look great. A yellow tang and porc. puffer are on my list as well.
Yes the butterfly fish will make a great addition.

Imo, your fish will be ok but I would get rid of the damsels.

I have never kept Chromis. I have heard that they make a great group display however, I have also heard they can get nasty too, but like I said I have No experience with them.
I have a Golden Puffer that is about 8 inches long and with it I have a percula clownfish that is about 3/4 inch long and they get along just fine. It really just depends on that fishes personality.
I have a 5" dogface with a 2" percula that have live together since 1997. The clown jumps right in there when it is time to eat.

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