New tank - Need some advice

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Yellow eye in QT tank!!! Any suggestion for a name?
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Liveaquraia shipment. Everything came in blacked out bags but the foxface. He's smaller then my tang! Lol...
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coffeetwitch said:
lol thats a lot of floating bags

Yeah, I know!!! Dripping the fox, hawk, and goby now. I'll wait to do shrimp and porcelain crab.
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k so you did get a fox face tang? ill need updates on him.

more pictures are a must on all of them though. i cant learn with out them.
coffeetwitch said:
k so you did get a fox face tang? ill need updates on him.

more pictures are a must on all of them though. i cant learn with out them.

Not a tang... One spot foxface...
well well well so maybe we where both mistangken at the lfs last night. the hot second you get the one spot in the tank. let me know with a pic... that may be swimming at the store as we speak, and we just assumed it was a tang.

well not the hot second but when you get a chance please.
coffeetwitch said:
well well well so maybe we where both mistangken at the lfs last night. the hot second you get the one spot in the tank. let me know with a pic... that may be swimming at the store as we speak, and we just assumed it was a tang.

well not the hot second but when you get a chance please.

Lol... No prob. Do u qt ur fish?
Like Christmas today!!! I got my cuc in from reefcleaners too!!!
Greenturtle said:
lucky... (i had a bad experiance with them)

I know... Please trust me, they will make it up to u. U ever get a response?
I ordered pods... Do I put them in my sump with the cheleto or in my tank???
no response. 48 hours. if i get the package today, everything will be dead after like 3 days. i know people say that he replies quickly. i just gave ANOTHER email. 8 hour no response.
Put them in your refugium if you have one. If you put them in your tank do it at night so they dont get eaten all up. :)
Well, liveaquraia messed up. Didn't ship my crab. The are resending one on Thursday with my orange marked goby...
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